'Well, I suppose you are all in the depths of business--ladies'

business, I mean. Very different to my business, which is the

real true law business. Playing with shawls is very different

work to drawing up settlements.

'Ah, I knew how you would be amused to find us all so occupied in

admiring finery. But really Indian shawls are very perfect things

of their kind.' 'I have no doubt they are. Their prices are very perfect, too.

Nothing wanting.' The gentlemen came dropping in one by one, and

the buzz and noise deepened in tone.

'This is your last dinner-party, is it not? There are no more

before Thursday?' 'No. I think after this evening we shall feel at rest, which I am

sure I have not done for many weeks; at least, that kind of rest

when the hands have nothing more to do, and all the arrangements

are complete for an event which must occupy one's head and heart.

I shall be glad to have time to think, and I am sure Edith will.'

'I am not so sure about her; but I can fancy that you will.

Whenever I have seen you lately, you have been carried away by a

whirlwind of some other person's making.'

'Yes,' said Margaret, rather sadly, remembering the never-ending

commotion about trifles that had been going on for more than a

month past: 'I wonder if a marriage must always be preceded by

what you call a whirlwind, or whether in some cases there might

not rather be a calm and peaceful time just before it.'

'Cinderella's godmother ordering the trousseau, the

wedding-breakfast, writing the notes of invitation, for

instance,' said Mr. Lennox, laughing.

'But are all these quite necessary troubles?' asked Margaret,

looking up straight at him for an answer. A sense of

indescribable weariness of all the arrangements for a pretty

effect, in which Edith had been busied as supreme authority for

the last six weeks, oppressed her just now; and she really wanted

some one to help her to a few pleasant, quiet ideas connected

with a marriage.

'Oh, of course,' he replied with a change to gravity in his tone.

'There are forms and ceremonies to be gone through, not so much

to satisfy oneself, as to stop the world's mouth, without which

stoppage there would be very little satisfaction in life. But how

would you have a wedding arranged?'

'Oh, I have never thought much about it; only I should like it to

be a very fine summer morning; and I should like to walk to

church through the shade of trees; and not to have so many

bridesmaids, and to have no wedding-breakfast. I dare say I am

resolving against the very things that have given me the most

trouble just now.' 'No, I don't think you are. The idea of stately simplicity

accords well with your character.'

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