'She's a Papist, Miss, isn't she?' 'I believe--oh yes, certainly!' said Margaret, a little damped

for an instant at this recollection.

'And they live in a Popish country?' 'Yes.' 'Then I'm afraid I must say, that my soul is dearer to me than

even Master Frederick, his own dear self. I should be in a

perpetual terror, Miss, lest I should be converted.' 'Oh' said Margaret, 'I do not know that I am going; and if I go,

I am not such a fine lady as to be unable to travel without you.

No! dear old Dixon, you shall have a long holiday, if we go. But

I'm afraid it is a long "if."' Now Dixon did not like this speech. In the first place, she did

not like Margaret's trick of calling her 'dear old Dixon'

whenever she was particularly demonstrative. She knew that Miss

Hale was apt to call all people that she liked 'old,' as a sort

of term of endearment; but Dixon always winced away from the

application of the word to herself, who, being not much past

fifty, was, she thought, in the very prime of life. Secondly, she

did not like being so easily taken at her word; she had, with all

her terror, a lurking curiosity about Spain, the Inquisition, and

Popish mysteries. So, after clearing her throat, as if to show

her willingness to do away with difficulties, she asked Miss

Hale, whether she thought if she took care never to see a priest,

or enter into one of their churches, there would be so very much

danger of her being converted? Master Frederick, to be sure, had

gone over unaccountable.

'I fancy it was love that first predisposed him to conversion,'

said Margaret, sighing.

'Indeed, Miss!' said Dixon; 'well! I can preserve myself from

priests, and from churches; but love steals in unawares! I think

it's as well I should not go.' Margaret was afraid of letting her mind run too much upon this

Spanish plan. But it took off her thoughts from too impatiently

dwelling upon her desire to have all explained to Mr. Thornton.

Mr. Bell appeared for the present to be stationary at Oxford, and

to have no immediate purpose of going to Milton, and some secret

restraint seemed to hang over Margaret, and prevent her from even

asking, or alluding again to any probability of such a visit on

his part. Nor did she feel at liberty to name what Edith had told

her of the idea he had entertained,--it might be but for five

minutes,--of going to Spain. He had never named it at Helstone,

during all that sunny day of leisure; it was very probably but

the fancy of a moment,--but if it were true, what a bright outlet

it would be from the monotony of her present life, which was

beginning to fall upon her.

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