'And this is a deal from me,' said Mr. Thornton, giving Higgins's

hand a good grip. 'Now mind you come sharp to your time,'

continued he, resuming the master. 'I'll have no laggards at my

mill. What fines we have, we keep pretty sharply. And the first

time I catch you making mischief, off you go. So now you know

where you are.' 'Yo' spoke of my wisdom this morning. I reckon I may bring it wi'

me; or would yo' rayther have me 'bout my brains?' ''Bout your brains if you use them for meddling with my business;

with your brains if you can keep them to your own.' 'I shall need a deal o' brains to settle where my business ends

and yo'rs begins.' 'Your business has not begun yet, and mine stands still for me.

So good afternoon.' Just before Mr. Thornton came up to Mrs. Boucher's door, Margaret

came out of it. She did not see him; and he followed her for

several yards, admiring her light and easy walk, and her tall and

graceful figure. But, suddenly, this simple emotion of pleasure

was tainted, poisoned by jealousy. He wished to overtake her, and

speak to her, to see how she would receive him, now she must know

he was aware of some other attachment. He wished too, but of this

wish he was rather ashamed, that she should know that he had

justified her wisdom in sending Higgins to him to ask for work;

and had repented him of his morning's decision. He came up to

her. She started.

'Allow me to say, Miss Hale, that you were rather premature in

expressing your disappointment. I have taken Higgins on.' 'I am glad of it,' said she, coldly.

'He tells me, he repeated to you, what I said this morning

about--' Mr. Thornton hesitated. Margaret took it up: 'About women not meddling. You had a perfect right to express

your opinion, which was a very correct one, I have no doubt.

But,' she went on a little more eagerly, 'Higgins did not quite

tell you the exact truth.' The word 'truth,' reminded her of her

own untruth, and she stopped short, feeling exceedingly


Mr. Thornton at first was puzzled to account for her silence; and

then he remembered the lie she had told, and all that was

foregone. 'The exact truth!' said he. 'Very few people do speak

the exact truth. I have given up hoping for it. Miss Hale, have

you no explanation to give me? You must perceive what I cannot

but think.' Margaret was silent. She was wondering whether an explanation of

any kind would be consistent with her loyalty to Frederick.

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