No more contempt for her!--no more talk about the chivalric!

Henceforward she must feel humiliated and disgraced in his sight.

But when should she see him? Her heart leaped up in apprehension

at every ring of the door-bell; and yet when it fell down to

calmness, she felt strangely saddened and sick at heart at each

disappointment. It was very evident that her father expected to

see him, and was surprised that he did not come. The truth was,

that there were points in their conversation the other night on

which they had no time then to enlarge; but it had been

understood that if possible on the succeeding evening--if not

then, at least the very first evening that Mr. Thornton could

command,--they should meet for further discussion. Mr. Hale had

looked forward to this meeting ever since they had parted. He had

not yet resumed the instruction to his pupils, which he had

relinquished at the commencement of his wife's more serious

illness, so he had fewer occupations than usual; and the great

interest of the last day or so (Boucher's suicide) had driven him

back with more eagerness than ever upon his speculations. He was

restless all evening. He kept saying, 'I quite expected to have

seen Mr. Thornton. I think the messenger who brought the book

last night must have had some note, and forgot to deliver it. Do

you think there has been any message left to-day?' 'I will go and inquire, papa,' said Margaret, after the changes

on these sentences had been rung once or twice. 'Stay, there's a

ring!' She sate down instantly, and bent her head attentively

over her work. She heard a step on the stairs, but it was only

one, and she knew it was Dixon's. She lifted up her head and

sighed, and believed she felt glad.

'It's that Higgins, sir. He wants to see you, or else Miss Hale.

Or it might be Miss Hale first, and then you, sir; for he's in a

strange kind of way.

'He had better come up here, Dixon; and then he can see us both,

and choose which he likes for his listener.' 'Oh! very well, sir. I've no wish to hear what he's got to say,

I'm sure; only, if you could see his shoes, I'm sure you'd say

the kitchen was the fitter place.

'He can wipe them, I suppose, said Mr. Hale. So Dixon flung off,

to bid him walk up-stairs. She was a little mollified, however,

when he looked at his feet with a hesitating air; and then,

sitting down on the bottom stair, he took off the offending

shoes, and without a word walked up-stairs. Copyright 2016 - 2024