Mr. Thornton had obtained for him his first situation in the

police, and had heard from time to time of the progress of his

protege, but they had not often met, and at first Mr. Thornton

did not remember him.

'My name is Watson--George Watson, sir, that you got----' 'Ah, yes! I recollect. Why you are getting on famously, I hear.' 'Yes, sir. I ought to thank you, sir. But it is on a little

matter of business I made so bold as to speak to you now. I

believe you were the magistrate who attended to take down the

deposition of a poor man who died in the Infirmary last night.' 'Yes,' replied Mr. Thornton. 'I went and heard some kind of a

rambling statement, which the clerk said was of no great use. I'm

afraid he was but a drunken fellow, though there is no doubt he

came to his death by violence at last. One of my mother's

servants was engaged to him, I believe, and she is in great

distress to-day. What about him?' 'Why, sir, his death is oddly mixed up with somebody in the house

I saw you coming out of just now; it was a Mr. Hale's, I

believe.' 'Yes!' said Mr. Thornton, turning sharp round and looking into

the inspector's face with sudden interest. 'What about it?' 'Why, sir, it seems to me that I have got a pretty distinct chain

of evidence, inculpating a gentleman who was walking with Miss

Hale that night at the Outwood station, as the man who struck or

pushed Leonards off the platform and so caused his death. But the

young lady denies that she was there at the time.' 'Miss Hale denies she was there!' repeated Mr. Thornton, in an

altered voice. 'Tell me, what evening was it? What time?' 'About six o'clock, on the evening of Thursday, the

twenty-sixth.' They walked on, side by side, in silence for a minute or two. The

inspector was the first to speak.

'You see, sir, there is like to be a coroner's inquest; and I've

got a young man who is pretty positive,--at least he was at

first;--since he has heard of the young lady's denial, he says he

should not like to swear; but still he's pretty positive that he

saw Miss Hale at the station, walking about with a gentleman, not

five minutes before the time, when one of the porters saw a

scuffle, which he set down to some of Leonards' impudence--but

which led to the fall which caused his death. And seeing you come

out of the very house, sir, I thought I might make bold to ask

if--you see, it's always awkward having to do with cases of

disputed identity, and one doesn't like to doubt the word of a

respectable young woman unless one has strong proof to the

contrary.' 'And she denied having been at the station that evening!'

repeated Mr. Thornton, in a low, brooding tone. Copyright 2016 - 2024