'The living is evidently as small as she said. It seems strange,

for the Beresfords belong to a good family.' Margaret meanwhile had found her mother. It was one of Mrs.

Hale's fitful days, when everything was a difficulty and a

hardship; and Mr. Lennox's appearance took this shape, although

secretly she felt complimented by his thinking it worth while to


'It is most unfortunate! We are dining early to-day, and having

nothing but cold meat, in order that the servants may get on with

their ironing; and yet, of course, we must ask him to

dinner--Edith's brother-in-law and all. And your papa is in such

low spirits this morning about something--I don't know what. I

went into the study just now, and he had his face on the table,

covering it with his hands. I told him I was sure Helstone air

did not agree with him any more than with me, and he suddenly

lifted up his head, and begged me not to speak a word more

against Helstone, he could not bear it; if there was one place he

loved on earth it was Helstone. But I am sure, for all that, it

is the damp and relaxing air.' Margaret felt as if a thin cold cloud had come between her and

the sun. She had listened patiently, in hopes that it might be

some relief to her mother to unburden herself; but now it was

time to draw her back to Mr. Lennox.

'Papa likes Mr. Lennox; they got on together famously at the

wedding breakfast. I dare say his coming will do papa good. And

never mind the dinner, dear mamma. Cold meat will do capitally

for a lunch, which is the light in which Mr. Lennox will most

likely look upon a two o'clock dinner.' 'But what are we to do with him till then? It is only half-past

ten now.' 'I'll ask him to go out sketching with me. I know he draws, and

that will take him out of your way, mamma. Only do come in now;

he will think it so strange if you don't.' Mrs. Hale took off her black silk apron, and smoothed her face.

She looked a very pretty lady-like woman, as she greeted Mr.

Lennox with the cordiality due to one who was almost a relation.

He evidently expected to be asked to spend the day, and accepted

the invitation with a glad readiness that made Mrs. Hale wish she

could add something to the cold beef. He was pleased with

everything; delighted with Margaret's idea of going out sketching

together; would not have Mr. Hale disturbed for the world, with

the prospect of so soon meeting him at dinner. Margaret brought

out her drawing materials for him to choose from; and after the

paper and brushes had been duly selected, the two set out in the

merriest spirits in the world.

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