'Oh, do not use violence! He is one man, and you are many; but

her words died away, for there was no tone in her voice; it was

but a hoarse whisper. Mr. Thornton stood a little on one side; he

had moved away from behind her, as if jealous of anything that

should come between him and danger.

'Go!' said she, once more (and now her voice was like a cry).

'The soldiers are sent for--are coming. Go peaceably. Go away.

You shall have relief from your complaints, whatever they are.' 'Shall them Irish blackguards be packed back again?' asked one

from out the crowd, with fierce threatening in his voice.

'Never, for your bidding!' exclaimed Mr. Thornton. And instantly

the storm broke. The hootings rose and filled the air,--but

Margaret did not hear them. Her eye was on the group of lads who

had armed themselves with their clogs some time before. She saw

their gesture--she knew its meaning,--she read their aim. Another

moment, and Mr. Thornton might be smitten down,--he whom she had

urged and goaded to come to this perilous place. She only thought

how she could save him. She threw her arms around him; she made

her body into a shield from the fierce people beyond. Still, with

his arms folded, he shook her off.

'Go away,' said he, in his deep voice. 'This is no place for

you.' 'It is!' said she. 'You did not see what I saw.' If she thought

her sex would be a protection,--if, with shrinking eyes she had

turned away from the terrible anger of these men, in any hope

that ere she looked again they would have paused and reflected,

and slunk away, and vanished,--she was wrong. Their reckless

passion had carried them too far to stop--at least had carried

some of them too far; for it is always the savage lads, with

their love of cruel excitement, who head the riot--reckless to

what bloodshed it may lead. A clog whizzed through the air.

Margaret's fascinated eyes watched its progress; it missed its

aim, and she turned sick with affright, but changed not her

position, only hid her face on Mr. Thornton s arm. Then she

turned and spoke again:' 'For God's sake! do not damage your cause by this violence. You

do not know what you are doing.' She strove to make her words


A sharp pebble flew by her, grazing forehead and cheek, and

drawing a blinding sheet of light before her eyes. She lay like

one dead on Mr. Thornton's shoulder. Then he unfolded his arms,

and held her encircled in one for an instant: 'You do well!' said he. 'You come to oust the innocent stranger

You fall--you hundreds--on one man; and when a woman comes before

you, to ask you for your own sakes to be reasonable creatures,

your cowardly wrath falls upon her! You do well!' They were

silent while he spoke. They were watching, open-eyed and

open-mouthed, the thread of dark-red blood which wakened them up

from their trance of passion. Those nearest the gate stole out

ashamed; there was a movement through all the crowd--a retreating

movement. Only one voice cried out: 'Th' stone were meant for thee; but thou wert sheltered behind a

woman!' Mr. Thornton quivered with rage. The blood-flowing had made

Margaret conscious--dimly, vaguely conscious. He placed her

gently on the door-step, her head leaning against the frame.

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