school board's office.

​ In mid March after the last victim died Mr. Mason was arrested at school by the Boone County Sheriff's department kicking and screaming if he found out whoever

it was that turned him in would be dead meat. Sarah had just turned eighteen and had made an appointment with her family's lawyer and agreeded to see him down

in Columbia. He was shown her letter of acceptance into the university of Missouri and the counsellor stated that Sarah had enough credits right then to graduate but

she wanted to wait till May and graduate with the rest of the senior class. Her lawyer got copies of her school records and the acceptance letter and had Sarah sign

the form to receive the first installment of her trust fund by carrier upon receiving her diploma. The Boone County Sheriff's department showed the principal Sarah's​ photo and said it looked like her and one of his staff a young woman who was fancied by mr. Mason and had not believed that he could do what he had been

accused of called him and told him that it was Sarah Harrison who had turned him into the police and gave him Sarah's address. He had parked on the street by her

house and saw her leave for school followed in another vehicle by donald then saw Nancy getting into another vehicle and leave He overheard them saying we'll see Copyright 2016 - 2025