helped Sarah with decorating her half of the duplex and Sarah allowed her to take pictures of it to submit as her final school project. Of course Nancy passed and

got her certificate. Sarah enjoyed decorating the yard and inside the house for Christmas. She bought a nic looking fiber optic tree and light weight decorations to put

on it. The first night she hear a bang and came in to find one of the kittens up on the television stand and the tree laying on the floor. She picked up the tree. It still

working so no damage had been done so at night she was going to have to close the door to their room just until Christmas was over. She exchange gifts with Halle

and the old fogie as she call him. They enjoyed each other's company. Sarah told them about the courses that planned on taking on line English one and two then

also Math 1160 and 1500 then sign up for on line Meterology Fundermental with a CEU certificate. She could take all of that during the summer and be ready for

Atmospheric Science courses Natural Hazards, Weather Briefing and Weather Communication for her freshman year, then precede to Climates of the World. That

there was several to choose from.

​ When school start up again after Christmas break there was a new guidenance counsellor at school along with hers. A lotof the students especially the youung Copyright 2016 - 2025