“No, I want this. I want us to have this.”

He took his time thinking about that and then he brought the knife to my bra. Taking hold of the fabric with his left hand, he sliced through the centre. “We’ll start slow. I’ll work you up to more as we go.”

My core clenched at what more might be. As I watched him cut the straps of my bra, I suddenly had visions of rough, angry sex with that knife. Oh God, Nitro’s fury combined with his knife would be hot. I needed that in my life.

His mouth dropped to my breasts and after spending some time with each one, he kissed his way slowly down to my pussy. I loved it when he did that because I was blessed with the vision of his strong shoulders, his muscular arms and his powerful back. Him concentrating on giving me pleasure. There would never be a better sight in the world than my man focused completely on me.

He slowly sliced my panties into pieces, his attention dividing between watching what he was doing and watching my face. It was as if in between each cut he checked to make sure I was still okay. But that was Nitro all over—always making sure I was good.

When he had me completely naked, he ran his blade over me one last time, starting at my throat and going down to my thighs. He then placed the knife on the bedside table and moved over me, caging me in with his arms either side of my body on the mattress.

I smiled up at him as I placed my hands against his chest. “Thank you,” I whispered.

A frown flickered across his face. “What for?”

“For going so slow. I know it takes a lot for you to slow this down. I promise I’ll be up for fast and rough soon.”

“Fuck, Vegas, I’ll take sex with you any way I can get it. You don’t understand, do you?”

“Understand what?”

His eyes searched my face. “That as much as I can’t get enough of your pussy, that’s not the reason I’m here in this bed with you.” He kissed me then. His tongue demanded I open up to him and kiss him with everything I had. It was the longest kiss we’d ever shared, and I was breathless by the time he ended it. “I’m here with you now, and every other time, because of what’s in here,” he said, placing his hand over my heart. “And if what’s in here needs me to be slow or rough or whatever, that’s what I’ll be. Because you give me everything I need, and I’ll always give that back to you.”

I hadn’t thought I could love him more. Turned out I was wrong. I loved Nitro in ways I’d never imagined. My soul breathed when I was with him and I smiled like I hadn’t before. He was my love. He was my home.

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