“Vegas, anyone who’s important to you is important to me. But in answer to your question, yes, I like her. I imagine she’ll frustrate the hell out of me the same as you do, but I respect a woman who doesn’t take shit, and Monroe strikes me as that kind of woman.”

He had me at “anyone who’s important to you is important to me.” That was what family did for each other. And it was exactly what I needed to hear. Family was everything.









“Broken” by Seether


The sound of my boots on the hospital lino was the only noise to be heard as I made the long trek to Marilyn’s room. I’d spent the day with Tatum and only left once I knew she was safe with Monroe. I’d ignored the filthy glare Monroe gave me when she spied the Milo tin in the room. And I made no apologies to her. No fucking way was I not getting Tatum what she wanted. I almost laughed, though, when she placed a Milo tin next to mine. I liked the fact she stood her ground.

I rounded a corner and a few moments later entered Marilyn’s room. She sat in the chair in the corner with her eyes closed, but they fluttered open when she heard me.

She shot out of the chair and came to me, flinging her arms around me. “Oh my God! I thought I’d never see you again!” She sobbed into my chest as I ignored the bolt of pain her hug inspired and wrapped my arms around her.

Smoothing her hair, I waited for her to let me go. I’d hold her for as long as she needed, though.

When she stopped sobbing and moved out of my embrace, she looked up at me with a questioning expression. I knew what she was asking, and I nodded. “He can’t hurt you ever again, Lynny. I made sure of it.”

Her hand flew to her face and she burst into tears again. I pulled her back to me, and we held each other for an eternity. We’d been through so much shit together. We were always there for each other to the best of our abilities and always would be.

With my arms tight around her and my hand cradling her head, I said, “You should have told me what he did to you.”

Stiffening, she tried to pull away.

“No,” I said as I held her tighter. “Don’t do that. You have nothing to be ashamed about or to hide from. He did that shit to you. You did nothing wrong. You don’t hide away. Ever.”

Her hands gripped my shirt and she buried her head in my chest while she cried.

“You hear me, Lynny? This isn’t on you. I’ll do everything in my power to help you believe that.” I took a step back and forced her to look up at me. Her tear-stained face shattered me all over again. “Promise me you’ll let me help.”

She nodded. “I promise.”

I stayed with her for a good couple of hours, watching television together and talking a little about her sessions with her psychologist. It was the first time she’d ever confided any of that type of stuff with me, and I felt like it was a whole new start for us and for our family. If we could find a way to move out of the darkness that had always consumed us, it really would be a new beginning.


* * *


King met me in the corridor outside Tatum’s room when I arrived back there after visiting Marilyn. We hadn’t spoken a great deal since the night before. He’d driven me to the hospital in almost complete silence and dropped me off, telling me he’d be back when he could. I’d gotten the impression he was overwhelmed by the whole situation, which was odd for King.

His eyes held an apology as he looked at me. Stepping closer, he jerked his chin towards Tatum. “She seems to be doing better.”

“Yeah. She told me you’ve been checking in on her. I appreciate that.”

He scrubbed his face. “Fuck, it’s the least I can fucking do, Nitro. This shit is on me. He used our delivery time as his opportunity to kidnap Tatum. She’d be okay if I hadn’t agreed to that deal.”

“No, this shit is on Joseph. It wouldn’t have changed the course of any of this if Storm hadn’t taken that deal. He’s been coming for me for years. I just didn’t realise it.” I recalled Tatum telling me that we can’t hold people responsible for our choices in life. I wouldn’t hold King responsible for Joseph’s actions.

“Thank fuck for Eric Bones. He was the one who helped me find you. Said something about a deal he was supposed to make with Joseph and that he’d changed his mind about getting into bed with him.”

I frowned. “How did Eric know where the warehouse was?”

“Turns out he’s more switched on than we ever gave him credit for. He had some of his guys follow Joseph after he met with him a few days ago. Told me you were leaving Storm and thought it was strange, which was another trigger for him to think twice about the deal. He came to check that with me, thank fuck.”

Monroe stepped out of the room, taking in King before looking at me. “Tatum’s asleep so I’m going to head home. Are you staying?”

“Yeah. I’m not leaving this hospital until she does, except for when you’re here.”

“I’ve decided that even though you pissed me off with the Milo thing, I like you. You’re exactly what Tatum needs in her life.”

King interrupted. “The Milo thing?”

She turned to him. “Oh, you have no idea, dude.” Pointing her thumb at me, she said, “This guy’s trying to go all hero and shit on my girl, which is fine and all, but I draw the line at him taking over my responsibilities. Maybe you could help a girl out and have a quiet word with him. Tell him to back the fuck off with the Milo.”

With that, she slung her handbag over her shoulder, gave me one last pointed look and left us.

King watched her go until he couldn’t see her anymore. “Fuck, she’s enough to get a man’s dick to stand up and beg for more.”

“You got a thing for redheads, brother?”

His eyes lit up. “That, and a mouth that tells it like it is.” He whistled. “And those curves are something fucking else.”

“You got a pierced dick, King? From what I’ve heard, that’s what she’s looking for.”

His mouth stretched across his face in a smile that told me more about King than I ever needed to know. Lifting his chin at me, he said, “You get back to your woman. I’m heading to the clubhouse for a bit. I’ll swing by again in the morning.”

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