“And I’ll just have to suck that up. If Dustin wants that job, it’s his decision.”

A smile tugged at her lips. “Is this Nitro backing down?” Her playful tone cut through the tension and was a welcome break from the conversation we’d been having.

I pulled her onto my lap and held her tightly. “You fucking cause me to back down all over the damn place, Vegas.”

She brushed a kiss across my lips. “I like that. I’ve never had that before.”

“Trust me, it’s a first for me, too,” I growled, feeling every bit of the heat between us. How she managed to calm the anger out of me, I wasn’t sure. All that lingered was the kind of passion that made me want to fuck her all night long.

I ran my hands down her back, to the bottom of her T-shirt so I could slip my hands under it and feel skin. I gripped her waist as her hands moved to my neck and our mouths found each other. The sexual energy between us had spiked from the anger that sat between us when I first arrived, and I growled deeply as she kissed me with a wild urgency. We might have still had moments of confusion with each other, but there was never any confusion as far as sex was concerned—we both desperately wanted each other.

She clawed at my hair as she crushed her body to mine and moaned. Tearing her mouth away as she ended the kiss, she begged, “Fuck, Nitro, I need you inside me right fucking now.” Fumbling madly at the button on my jeans, she showed me just how desperate for me she was.

Hell, she was hot.

I let her fiddle with my pants; I needed that mouth of hers again. Catching her in another kiss, I forced my tongue inside as I moved my hands to the back of her head so I could hold her in place. I didn’t want to be interrupted from what I was doing.

Kissing Tatum turned me on so damn much. Foreplay should always begin with her mouth as far as I was concerned. For a long fucking time.

She struggled against my hold, trying to end the kiss.

I chuckled as I let her go. Moving my hands to her back, I said, “You want my cock in that beautiful pussy of yours, Vegas? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so eager.”

She had her hands in my pants and my cock sprung free. Biting her lip, she wrapped her hand around it and gave me a tug. I lifted my hips and thrust into her hand, suddenly on board with what she wanted.

Meeting my eyes, she said, “Now who’s eager?”

Leaning forward so I could get close to her mouth again, I said, “I’m always eager. Fuck, I could live inside you and never leave again.”

Her breathing hitched. “You wanna start that now?”

“As soon as I do this,” I said before finally pressing my lips to hers again.

She didn’t fight me on that kiss, and when I was done, I lifted her shirt over her head. Dropping it on the floor, I then flicked her bra undone and removed it. She slid off my lap and made fast work of taking her shorts and panties off, and I sucked in a breath at her naked body.

Tatum was fucking stunning. She was perfect with her soft curves that I loved sliding my hands over, and her strength that was an excellent match to my power when I fucked her. The thing I loved the most, though, was that when she stood naked in front of me, there was nothing in our way. Slowly, she was allowing me to strip back the invisible layers that guarded her soul at all other times. Sometimes she tried to run from me, but those times were becoming less and less. One day, she’d give it all to me.

I stood and yanked my jeans and briefs off before sitting back down, taking her with me. She straddled my lap and took hold of my face with both hands as she caught my mouth in another searing kiss. Ending it, breathless, she begged, “Can I please have this cock now?”

Jesus, I felt her demand deep in my gut. My hands went straight to her hips and I lifted her to position her over my dick. When I had her where I wanted her, I thrust up and inside her.

“Fuck,” I rasped. Nothing was better than being inside my woman. Fucking nothing.

Her hands gripped my shoulders.

Fingers digging in.

Head back.

Neck exposed.

A sexy-as-fuck sound coming from her mouth.

I licked her throat as we fucked, inspiring her to claw at my skin, scratching me. Growling deeply, I sunk my teeth into her, marking her as mine.

“I love your fucking teeth,” she cried out, her pussy squeezing around my dick. She fucked me madly, her body bouncing, her tits all over the place, hair everywhere.

“Jesus, I’m going to come,” I said, pretty fucking sure I couldn’t hold it back much longer.

“Me too,” she panted, and on a roar, with one last hard slam into her, I came.

She orgasmed a moment later, right before she collapsed against me. When I caught my breath, I moved her hair off her face so I could find her eyes. “Did I wear you out, Vegas?”

Cracking one eye open, she said, “Nope. I’m ready to go again. You?”

Placing my arms around her, I chuckled. “You are so full of shit, but my dick will be ready for you to suck soon if you want.”

She swatted me playfully. “You need to run me a bath and pour me a wine. Then we can discuss what I’m going to do with your cock.”

Later that night, when she slept next to me, I traced circles over her hip and thought about how far we’d come. We still didn’t have a play-by-play for this relationship, but I was slowly seeing a future I’d never imagined before. A future with Tatum by my side.


* * *


The next day, I decided to get to the bottom of why my uncle was in Sydney and why he wanted to sell discounted guns to Storm. No way did I buy any of the shit he’d fed King.

I called ahead and organised to meet at his hotel. He requested I come up to his room and against my better judgement, I did.

“Take a seat,” he said when I entered his room. He gestured at one of the lounges in the large suite he had.

“I’ll stand. This won’t take long.”

He watched me with the cold gaze I knew well. “As you will, then.” Pouring a drink, he said, “It’s good to see you’ve come to your senses, son.”

I had to restrain myself from punching him. His reference to me as his fucking son was one I despised. “I haven’t. And don’t fucking call me that. I’m only here to find out the truth behind you showing up on Storm’s doorstep peddling guns.”

Looking at me over the rim of the glass as he drank the water he’d poured, he said, “I want you to run my Sydney operation. I trained you for that and I want what I put my time and money into all those years ago.”

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