Lowering myself to the bed, I moved over her. I slid my dick through her wetness and said, “Do you know what I have no issues with?”

“What?” she panted.

“With a woman who tells me like it is. And whose cunt is as greedy as yours is for me.”

She folded her legs around me and clung tightly. “Well, I’m telling you right now, you need to get that dick inside me and you need to do it fast.”

My eyes searched hers. “I don’t have a condom on, Tatum.”

She knew what I was asking and what I was saying. At her nod and, “I know,” my restraint snapped and I thrust inside her exactly how she liked it. With all the fury I’d been living that day.

“Oh, God,” Tatum moaned, squeezing me harder. “Yes!”

Fuck, being inside Tatum was where I needed to be. It was as if I broke away from the world the minute I entered her. All the complicated shit in my life was left behind, all the worry eased, all the baggage I carried dropped. When I was deep in her, all I chased was the hush, the calm, the fucking peace that being with her brought me.

Her fingernails clawed down my back as I pounded into her. She met every thrust, taking it hungrily and pushing me for more. In return, I drove my dick as far into her as I could, as hard as I fucking could, giving her the fury she wanted.

I fucked her like a savage.


Clawing at each other.

Teeth biting.


I didn’t hold anything back and neither did she. Our bodies collided in a violent rush of demand and desire. We both needed this. Almost as much as the air we breathed.

“Fuck… fuck… fuck,” she panted as she squeezed me deep inside her and came. Her eyes closed and she slowed her movements as she drew every drop of pleasure from her orgasm.

I’d watched Tatum come every single time I’d fucked her. I made a point never to miss it because she was so fucking beautiful when she had my dick buried inside making her feel good. It was the only time I saw the real Tatum, the one who let herself feel and experience everything happening to her. The rest of the time she held me at arm’s length, throwing wall after wall up at me. Guarding that cracked heart of hers. Not that I wanted her heart, but I wanted a peek inside. I wanted to know what made her so damn fearless and so fucking fragile all at the same time.

My balls tightened and I rammed into her one last time before coming inside her. Every muscle in my body tensed as the orgasm tore through me, releasing a fuckload of pent-up pressure.

I collapsed onto the bed beside her. Spent. Completely done for. It was the first time I’d ever fucked a woman without a condom and it was fucking amazing. Turning, I found her watching me, a look of absolute bliss on her face.

Smiling, she said, “I could give up exercise at the moment.”

“You want me to up my game, Vegas? I could work out those muscles of yours more often.”

She rolled my way, curling her arms into her body. “Fuck, I don’t think I could take it more than twice a day from you.”

“You wanna test that theory?”

Another smile on her lips. “You don’t give up easily, do you?”

“Never have, never will. What’s the point of life if you crack at the first sign of hardship.”

“Who taught you that? Your parents?”

I stared at her. We’d never talked much after sex. Usually we were both in a rush to get out the door in the morning or we passed out exhausted late at night. This was new and I wasn’t sure if it was a road I wanted to travel with her.

When I didn’t answer, she pushed me. “I’m actually not thinking it was your parents.”

That was enough for me to bite. “You’ve got it all figured out, have you?” My words came out a little harshly. She had no fucking clue what my parents taught me.

Reaching across the bed, she trailed a finger along my lips. “And there’s the Nitro I haven’t seen in a few weeks.”

Irritated, I sat up and threw my legs over the side of the bed. “Let’s not do this, Tatum.”

“Do what?”

Glancing back at her, I bit out, “Let’s not turn this into something it’s not.”

“Oh, so just because we fuck, we can’t talk?” Her voice rose, letting me know I’d pissed her off.

I stood and reached for my jeans. “You were never interested in talking before.”

She sat up and glared at me. “Yeah, well maybe I wanna talk now.” Moving off the bed, she came to me. “Maybe I’m interested to know stuff about the guy I’m screwing.”

I kept moving, doing up my jeans. I then grabbed my shirt off the floor and threw it over my head. When I was dressed with my boots on, I eyed her. “Maybe it’s time to call it quits. Neither of us wanted anything but sex, so let’s not push it.”

I exited her place without a backwards glance. I had to keep moving forward. Away. Getting myself involved with Tatum in any way other than just sleeping with her was a bad idea. I knew it in my gut. And I knew it in my fucking heart.


* * *


“What the hell crawled up your ass?” Renee demanded the next morning while we discussed the driving test she would be taking at some point. She wanted to do it soon, while I didn’t.

I scowled at her as I settled against the kitchen counter and took a gulp of coffee. Ignoring her question, I said, “I’m just saying that you’re gonna need a hell of a lot more practice before you go for your licence.”

She placed her hand on her hip and threw me a glare. “I’ve almost clocked up my hours. I’m a good driver. When are you going to admit that instead of being an asshole to me about how I need to get more practice in?”

I raked my fingers through my hair. “I never said you weren’t a good dri—”

“Yes, you did! Well, you insinuated it when you said I needed more hours up before you’d let me go for my test. And a head’s up, I don’t need your permission to sit my damn test. You’re not my father.”

Fucking hell. Renee knew how to fucking wound. Something she’d learnt from her mother. I gathered the shred of patience I had left for this conversation. If it had been anyone other than my niece, I would have lost my cool long ago. “I know I’m not your father,” I grit out. “But I’m the only father figure you’ve known, so you’ll listen when I’ve got something to say. You are a good driver, Renee, but the thousands of hours experience I have driving gives me a better perspective on this. I don’t want you out there on the roads with all the dickheads who don’t give a shit about you, your safety or your fucking life, until you’ve clocked up some more hours. And I don’t give a fuck if the government says you only need a hundred and twenty hours, I say you need more. You’re fucking precious to me and I’ll guard your life with everything I have, so that means this argument is over. I win.”

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