She gave him a smile, and although it seemed vacant and didn’t reach her eyes, I couldn’t help balling my fists at my side.


My stomach churned with annoyance, which in itself also pissed me off. What did I care if he was fucking Tatum? She was nothing to me. Nothing but a woman I had to keep alive for my club.

And yet I couldn’t deny that the sight of his hand on her stomach sent a wave of fury through me. I didn’t want his hand anywhere on her body.









“Break On Me” by Keith Urban


I eyed King warily. The man scared me, and it wasn’t often I said that about anyone. Nitro and I had arrived back at the clubhouse hours earlier after finding Dustin and since then, Nitro had been busy with club stuff. I spent the afternoon catching up on work in the bar as well as chatting with Renee. King had wandered through the bar a few times, directing a glare my way each time. There was something about him that I wasn’t quite sure of. What I did know for certain, though, was that King was a man to be kept at arm’s length. The sooner I escaped his radar, the better.

“He’s okay,” Renee said, dragging my attention back to her.

“Who? King?”

She nodded. “Yeah.” At my frown, she continued, “I know he comes across as freaking scary, but he’s helped our family a lot over the years. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t cross him, but I definitely know he’s loyal to those who are loyal to him.”

I looked back over at King who stood near the entrance to the bar. He was deep in conversation with one of the club members, a nearly bald guy who glanced at me a few times while they talked.

Turning back to Renee, I said, “All I know is that for those he has no loyalty to, he’s unpredictable and can be an asshole. And word on the street is that he’s a man to avoid, so it’d be fair to say I’m not impressed by him.”

She smiled. “I like that about you, Tatum.”


“That you say it like it is. And that you don’t let Nitro get away with shit.” At my surprise, she added, “He might be my uncle and I might love him to death, but he can be a jerk. He’s way too bossy and I like that you challenge him.”

I laughed. “You’re smart for a teen, you know that?”

She stared at me in mock offence. “Are you saying teens aren’t smart?”

As she spoke, my attention shifted from her to the bald club member King had been talking to. He made his way to us and rested his hands on the backs of our chairs. “Tatum, you got a minute?”

Looking up at him, I asked, “Who are you?”


I liked that he asked me rather than bossed me into giving him a minute. “Sure,” I said, standing and following him out of the bar to a kitchen.

I was surprised to find Nitro there, his head down while he scrolled on his phone. When Devil and I entered, he looked up but didn’t say anything before going back to what he was doing on his phone.

He’d pretty much ignored me since we left Monroe’s. He ran so hot and cold with me, but since he’d spoken to Fox, he’d been like ice. I hadn’t asked him yet, but I wondered if he knew Fox somehow, because irritation had rolled off him while in Fox’s presence.

“What’s up?” I asked Devil, ignoring Nitro.

“Got a question for you about Billy. How likely is he to renege on a deal?”

“Your gun deal with him, you mean?”


“Usually I’d say that if you don’t piss him off, you’ll have no worries. The fact he’s pissed off at Nitro doesn’t help you.”

Nitro’s head snapped up. “In other words, you’re telling us he’s unreliable.”

“No, what I’m telling you is that you shouldn’t be involved in the deal at all.”

He scowled. “That’s not practical. We don’t make deals with assholes who dictate which member they will and won’t work with.”

“There’s always a first time for everything, Nitro.”

“No,” he said, his voice rising, “there’s not. Not for me.”

“God, are you always this frustrating?” His refusal to bend did my head in. As far as I could see, this was a no-brainer. All they had to do was get another club member to take over this deal.

He shoved his chair back and stood, his chest puffing out as he pushed his shoulders back. “I’m trying to get shit done for my club, and all we need to know is one simple thing, Tatum—will your asshole boss go back on the deal we made with him?”

I stepped closer to him. I had no idea what caused him to get so worked up this fast, but I was just as worked up now. “I don’t like you referring to him as an asshole all the time. And I’ve answered your damn question. You stay out of it and there won’t be any problems.” With that, I stalked out of the kitchen back to the bar. Trying to have a rational conversation with Nitro was ridiculously hard, and it was safer for me to leave than to keep arguing with the man.

Pulling up a stool at the bar, I ordered a drink. If I had any luck, it’d put all the irritation out of my mind for a few hours.


* * *


“Tatum, I think you’ve had enough for tonight,” Renee said at around ten that night.

I blasted a smile her way and raised my glass. “I’m only getting started.” With that, I emptied my glass and placed it on the bar for a refill.

The chick behind the bar had kept the drinks coming all night and she didn’t let me down. Swiping the glass, she said, “The same?”

I nodded before glancing back at Renee who frowned at me.

“I’m going to bed,” she said. “Don’t drink too much more. You really have had enough.”

“You’re a sweet kid, Renee. Nitro’s lucky to have you in his life.”

Watching her walk away, I couldn’t help but think about my brother. Chris used to look after me in the same way Renee appeared to care for Nitro. I missed him so much it physically hurt. Monroe loved me hard, but it would never be the same as a twin’s love. That kind of love came from a place I couldn’t even begin to describe. Without having to think, we just knew how the other was feeling; we knew when the other needed us; we felt pain and hurt and all the emotions of each other on a bone-deep level. Knowing I’d never have that again had almost killed me. I’d wanted to die when Chris died. Copyright 2016 - 2024