
“The Hammer’s Coming Down” by Nickelback

Scanning the busy casino floor, my gaze locked onto the guy I’d come here for. You’re mine, fucker. I stalked in his direction, pushing people out of the way. Being Saturday night, a crowd was in residence. That would only help my mission. Less chance of anyone involving themself in what was going down.

About ten steps from my goal, a leggy blonde ran into me. I stopped and attempted to move swiftly around her. However, she had other ideas.

Turning to face me, the glare on her face said it all, but she insisted on wasting my time with her words. With an arch of her brows, she said, “Do you give a shit that I just twisted my ankle in these heels because you weren’t watching where you were walking?”

My eyes held hers. “You wanna back that up and get your facts straight?”

“My facts are straight, asshole. You’re the one who was barrelling through here, not me.”

My gaze flicked quickly to the guy I was after. Still at the table, thank fuck. Eyeing her again, I barked, “I don’t give a fuck who was doing what. You need to move out of my way.” If the casino wasn’t so damn packed, I wouldn’t even bother to argue with her, I’d just continue on my way. As it was, I couldn’t move either side of her.

“Does that usually work for you?”

I raked my fingers through my hair, keeping an eye on my target. “Yeah, it does.” I drew my attention back to her and lowered my face. “Now, get the fuck out of my way before I physically move you myself.”

Her nostrils flared. “Men like you don’t scare me. Just so you know.” With that, she stepped aside and I strode away from her without a second glance.

A few minutes later, I stared into the eyes of the man I believed was able to give me the information my club had been after for weeks. “You need to stand and leave with me now.”

Hatred bled from him as he glared at me. “I don’t need to fucking do anything.”

“You do. Because if you don’t, that tight cunt waiting for you at home won’t be breathing when you get there.”

He scowled. “You’re full of shit.”

I clenched my jaw and shoved my face closer to his. “You wanna fucking test that theory? I can phone my boys waiting outside your place if you want. Have them send over a photo.”

He shoved his chair back. “This isn’t going down how you think it is, Nitro.”

I pushed him. “Start fucking walking and shut your mouth. The only way this is going down is how I say.”

Neither of us would be leaving until I knew who was responsible for all the pain dealt to some of our club’s family members over the last few months.


* * *


“Today’s not your day, motherfucker.” I grunted the words out as I reached for his throat. Gripping him hard, I squeezed until he could no longer suck air down into his lungs. “You wanna fuck with my family, you’re gonna deal with me. And I don’t give second chances.”

Clawing at my fingers, he attempted to struggle out of my hold, but it was a fruitless battle. Pathetic sounds came from his throat, the kind of noises that only fuelled my bloodlust. Those sounds rolled through the back alley we were in, lingering in the same way the putrid smells out there did. Thunder cracked overhead and lightning cut through the black sky. It was only a matter of time before rain fell, but I didn’t care if we spent the rest of the night getting drenched; I would get what I came for.

I ripped my hand from his throat to fist my fingers in his hair. Yanking his head back, I roared, “Give me the fucking name!”

His lips curled up in a snarl. “Go to hell. I don’t rat on my club.”

Anger blurred my vision as I spun him around and shoved him headfirst into the brick wall in front of us. His scream of agony as he smashed into the bricks and crumpled to the ground rushed through my veins like a hit of cocaine. This was the kind of high I craved and I clenched my fists, ready to keep going. My boots thudded on the bitumen as I moved to stand over him. Blood covered his face, pouring from the deep gash I’d inflicted on his forehead.

Wrenching him up by his shirt, I backed him against the wall, slamming his body hard. “By the time I’m finished with you, you’ll rat on anyone I fucking want you to.”

Drawing long, ragged breaths, he shook his head and opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off with a punch to his cheek. Blood flew through the air as his head snapped to the side from the impact.

I knew his type, so I knew he honestly thought he wouldn’t rat on his club. But it was only a matter of time before he would be in a world of pain and begging me to stop. After that, it wouldn’t take long to drag the information I needed from him.

Pulling my knife from its sheath attached to my belt, I dragged the tip of it across the base of his throat, pressing hard enough to draw a few drops of blood. The determination in his eyes wavered. “It’s been a long day, asshole, and I don’t feel like shooting the shit with you for hours. Let’s hurry this the fuck along.”

“I’m not a fucking snitch,” he snarled.

“Tonight you are. Or else you’re dead.”

His lips pressed together, a signal that he needed further encouragement. I ran the knife down his chest to his crotch. “But first we’ll start with your dick. Ever seen one cut off?”

He flinched and I knew I had him. Even if I had to cut into his skin some more, he’d sing before he’d lose his dick or his life.

When he didn’t respond, I took hold of his shirt and ripped it open. Buttons rained down onto the ground before his shirt joined them.

My eyes met his. “Changed my mind. First we’ll start with this.” I squeezed one of his nipples, and swiftly sliced it off.

“Motherfucker!” His scream of pain echoed around us as his body jerked.

I blocked his attempt to fight back by smashing him against the brick wall again. “Yeah, I am. You ready to lose the other one?” As the words left my mouth, I grabbed his other nipple, ready to make good on my threat. Patience was not one of my virtues.

He gritted his teeth through heavy breaths. “Fuck you!”

Blood streamed down his chest and stomach when I slashed his other nipple off. I hardly processed his string of expletives; I was completely focused on my next move.

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