Seeing the tautness rise back to his expression, I flushed, feeling the pain in my chest worsen, shifting into that deeper nausea as he looked at me.

"I felt it before, too," I added. " the bar."

"Have you felt it before today?" He swallowed a little, looking at my mouth. "...With Jaden? Anyone else you've..." He hesitated, his gaze flickering up. "...Liked?"

"No." I gave him a puzzled look. "Why?"

He frowned, but didn't answer. I watched his face as he looked back at the fire, wondering if I should ask him again. I was still trying to decide when he turned in my direction once more. That time, his face and voice were carefully businesslike.

"Okay," he said. "I guess we'd better start."

Looking at him, I realized suddenly that I believed him.

I don't know that I thought consciously that I believed all of it, but I believed him that he could do something to me that would make me forget. I thought about losing every memory I'd had of the past twenty-four hours, and a low-level panic hit me, sliding over my body in a rising wave. I thought about not knowing Jaden had cheated on me, or that I'd nearly died, or that this guy seemed to think his job was keeping me alive using his seer psychic powers.

I really might not remember this...or him.

"Hey, Simon, wait-" I began.

"Sleep, Allie," he said. His voice sounded almost tired. "Sleep. Now."

The room, that piercing light gaze, the fire and everything around me disappeared.

I couldn't even remember closing my eyes.


I heard the voice before I could force open my eyes. It must have woken me up, but I felt no transition...instead it was like I was lost in a kind of inbetween, my mind wrapped in warm, wet towels. They kept out everything but that voice.

"...Allie," it said again, softer. "...Come on, baby. We have to get up..."

Someone touched my face.

The touch was light, almost gentle, but I still couldn't seem to pull myself out of wherever my mind wanted to remain.

"Hey," he said, his mouth closer to my ear. I felt his lips on my cheek, then my forehead. "Come on, Allie-angel," he coaxed. "You're far too pretty to stay asleep all morning..."

I managed to get my eyes open. Immediately I winced, but not because the light hurt really. It was brighter than I expected, but it more felt like my eyes were greeted by too much, by more information and color than I could wrap my brain around right then. It was so much easier in that other place, where everything was still, and so quiet. Copyright 2016 - 2024