"Sure. Okay," I said. "That's all it was."

I tried to pull away from him again, but Jaden wouldn't let go of my arm. When he tightened his grip more, I yanked my arm back as hard as I could...hard enough that I staggered a little, nearly falling into the tall guy with the black hair, Jon's cop.

I looked up at him in surprise. I'd pretty much forgotten he was there.

Now I kind of wondered why he hadn't walked away.

Instead, he was looking between Jaden and me, his face expressionless, his eyes narrow. His gaze rested on mine a beat longer, and I saw some kind of feeling skate over the surface of his eyes. It wasn't puzzlement, like before, but it wasn't exactly empathy, either. I had no idea what the expression meant. Maybe he was just thinking that I was drunk. Or pathetic. Or both.

At that point, I didn't care.

I was so angry at Jaden I could barely think straight. I was also just drunk enough that using this guy to make a point almost seemed like a good idea.

Leaning up, I caught hold of his black hair in my fingers. I pulled his mouth down to mine, kissing him almost before I knew I intended to.

The kiss probably surprised him more than it did me. I mean I was drunk, yeah, and I wanted to get back at Jaden, and the black-haired guy was really the only guy there, at least that I'd exchanged words with...but from his perspective, I'd hardly been friendly.

I also had zero reason to think he wasn't working with ponytail guy, who I never would have kissed in a million years.

But for some reason, I still didn't believe that. Jon's cop was definitely weird, and it was definitely strange about him being at the club that night, but he still gave me a completely different vibe than the three guys who'd been beating up on that seer.

Anyway, if the kiss did surprise him, he didn't show it.

He followed the tug of my fingers easily enough, and fell into the kiss itself easier still. I'd barely gotten my brain around what I was doing when his arm curled around my back, pulling me tight against him. His fingers wrapped around my side and he kissed me harder, right about when I might have been thinking about letting him go. That time, he used his tongue. His mouth had a kind of smoky, honey taste, but he didn't taste like cigarettes exactly.

By the time he was done with that second kiss, I'd pretty much forgotten why I'd started this. My body was starting to hurt. It was the strangest sensation; I found myself thinking it was coming from him, but it didn't make me want to pull away, if anything it did the opposite. Jon's cop kissed me a third time, and by the end of that one, I was leaning into him, my arm sliding around his waist under the black coat he wore. When my fingers gripped the back of his belt, he gasped against my mouth, his hands tightening on me until I could barely breathe.

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