But then her gaze fell on his distended cock and they widened. She looked up to his face, then dropped her gaze back down and then back up again, almost as if she were asking him a thousand questions with that one look.

“Do you like what you see, wife?” he asked when her gaze returned to his face.

She licked her lips, the movement so sensuous and erotic that he groaned.

“Aye,” she finally whispered. “ ’Tis a beautiful sight, your body.”

Beautiful? It didn’t seem appropriate that she used the same language to describe him as he’d used in describing her. He was nothing like her. He was hard where she was soft. Rough where she was smooth. Scarred where she had no marks to mar her lovely flesh.

He stalked forward and then tipped her back, tumbling her onto the bed as he loomed over her. He crawled between her splayed thighs and rubbed his body up hers until his lips hovered just over her mouth.

He rocked his body, mimicking the motions of being inside her though he rubbed over her soft, feminine flesh. He enjoyed the feel of her against his erection. He knew she wasn’t yet prepared for him, not so soon after finding her own release. It would take time to make her ready, but he would enjoy every moment of it.

He dragged himself down and then back up her body, locking his mouth to hers. Their tongues clashed and tangled. Hot, breathless kisses. He swallowed her soft moans, knew she likely wasn’t even aware of making the low sounds.

It had been a long while since he’d last given in to his baser urges. And yet he hadn’t missed it. What he missed was what he’d never had. Intimacy. The feeling of closeness. The knowledge that he truly liked the woman he was coupling with.

He was well aware of the differences between him and other men, and even his own brothers. He’d never been one to throw his seed far and wide. Even as a youth, he hadn’t been fast to lose his virginity. It had been even beyond when his younger brothers had enjoyed their first woman that Graeme had given in, and his first experience hadn’t been particularly fantastic. In fact, it had been some time after that before he’d decided to indulge again.

But this? This was heaven. He knew without a doubt that there’d never be another woman who had such an effect on him, who could have him edgy with desire with a simple look.

She twisted his insides into knots he had no hope of loosening.

He kissed his way down her neck and to her collarbone, and then he licked the hollow of her throat, enjoying the way her pulse sped up.

He continued a path down to her breasts and rested his mouth in the valley between the two lush mounds. He wanted to stop and taste the delectable pink tips, but he had another destination in mind, one that had his heart pounding in anticipation.

Continuing his path downward, he grazed his lips over her soft belly and dipped his tongue into her navel. She shivered and twitched beneath him as he swirled his tongue, tasting every inch of her he could cover.

When he slid to the very edge of the bed so that his mouth hovered just over the soft blond curls between her legs, her head came up and her eyes were wide with shock. He saw the realization in her eyes, her knowledge of what he planned.

He smiled and then carefully ran his fingers over the velvety, plush lips of her womanhood. He’d never tasted a woman here, had never had the courage to perform such an act, though he’d heard other men speak of it.

He’d been told it was a task done to please a woman and the reactions differed. Some men enjoyed it and found it pleasurable, while others only did so in order for the woman to give them what they wanted. But all agreed that women enjoyed it immensely and he wanted to give Eveline such pleasure.

He touched his tongue to the nub of flesh just above her woman’s opening. She came off the bed, her hips bucking upward. Her hoarse exclamation rang out and her fingers curled into the furs she lay on.

He grew bolder, lapping gently, absorbing her scent and her taste. It was a heady sensation, like drinking too much ale. There was a roar in his ears and the room seemed to dim around him as he continued his erotic exploration of her silken skin.

“Graeme,” she said weakly. “ ’Tis happening again.”

Her legs had begun to tremble. Her thighs shook and she was arching her pelvis upward to meet his mouth. He knew she was ready and that now was the best time, but he hated the idea of what had to come next.

No matter how prepared she was, no matter how much she might want fulfillment, what he would do would hurt her.

He drew away and then ran a finger around the mouth of her entrance, testing the smallness of the opening. She was tight around just his finger, and he knew she would tear when he thrust inside.

With a resigned sigh, he pushed himself upward and then crawled between her legs. He kissed her again and then drew away so she could see his mouth.

“It will be painful at first, Eveline. I’m sorry for that. I’ll take care, I swear it.”

Trust shone in her beautiful blue eyes. She reached for him, putting her hands on his face. They felt small and delicate against his jaw, so much like her.

“I think it will be wonderful,” she whispered.

He didn’t tell her that he disagreed, but he was happy she wasn’t frightened. Carefully, he positioned himself at her entrance and pushed forward the tiniest bit, testing her resistance.

Her eyes widened and her hands fell to his shoulders, her nails digging into his flesh.

He pushed harder, her snugness enveloping him until sweat broke out on his forehead. It was instinctual to bury himself as deep and as hard as he could within her. It took everything he had to hold back and not to obey the overwhelming urges that bombarded him.

Her face puckered and doubt crept into her eyes when he persisted and she began to stretch around him. Then she winced and at that precise moment, he pushed through with one forceful stroke, seating himself inside her.

Her cry of pain was like a knife to his heart.

He went completely still, allowing her to adjust to his invasion. He kissed her face, her forehead, her eyes and nose, any part of her he could touch.

“Shhhh,” he crooned, even knowing she probably wouldn’t see what he said. “I’m sorry, so sorry. It will be over soon.”

He rested his forehead against hers and sucked in deep, steadying breaths as his body raged at him to take her, to possess her, to make her irrevocably his in the most primitive fashion possible.

After a moment she stirred beneath him, moving restlessly as if trying to alleviate the pressure between her legs.

He reared back so he could gauge her expression.

Her brow was still wrinkled with strain and he touched his finger to one of the lines, smoothing his finger across her forehead in a gentle manner.

“ ’Tis all right if I move now?” he asked. “I won’t move until you say me aye.”

“Maybe just a little,” she said hesitantly.

He smiled and then withdrew the barest of inches. It was the most exquisite torture imaginable. Buried inside her and yet unable to do more than move the tiniest amount.

“Did that hurt?”

She shook her head. “Nay.”

He could tell she wasn’t telling the truth, but she was making such an effort to hide her discomfort that he didn’t refute her denial.

“Move with me,” he said as he slid forward once more. “Wrap your legs around me. Hold me close, Eveline.”

It came out a hoarse plea that he knew she wouldn’t pick up on. He sounded desperate, not at all like the solitary warrior he’d been for so long. In that moment he was glad she couldn’t hear, because he didn’t like the vulnerability in his own voice.

Tentatively she wrapped her legs around his hips. He closed his eyes and her hands slid warmly over his chest and to his shoulders. There was nothing more pleasurable than her touch. He needed it. Desired it more than anything.

He began to thrust, tightening his jaw to maintain control. After only a moment he was already in danger of spending himself and he’d barely begun.

Determined to make it as pleasurable as possible for the both of them, he forced himself to maintain a steady rhythm, but when she reached up to touch his face in a silent plea and he saw the need in her eyes, he was lost.

Over and over he plunged into her velvety heat. His muscles strained with effort. His entire body tightened unbearably until he was sure something would break.

“Eveline, Eveline,” he whispered as he lost himself in the sweetness of her embrace.

Slowly he melted over her body, his flesh conforming to hers as they both struggled to catch their breath. She’d reached her woman’s pleasure a second time, but he couldn’t even say that had been his aim at the very end. He hadn’t been able to register anything but the mind-numbing explosion that had wracked his body.

Now he collected her in his arms and rolled, holding her close. Their bodies were still connected and he was content to remain a part of her for as long as possible.

As she lay quietly beside him, nestled into his embrace, he stroked her back, caressing and soothing her trembling body.

So this was what it was like to be completely at peace, body and soul. To find solace with a woman who was more than just a warm, willing body to lie with.

He hadn’t expected such a thing. Never would he have imagined feeling this way about the bride who had been forced upon him.

As he glanced down at her golden head, he couldn’t imagine it any other way. He didn’t want to imagine being without her.


When Eveline awoke the next morning, sunlight was streaming through the window and right onto her face. She opened her eyes, then rapidly blinked and shut them again before turning her face away.

Who had pulled the furs aside?

She soon had her answer when the bed moved. Eveline’s eyes popped open again to see Rorie sitting on the very end, her eyes brimming with impatience.

“There you are,” she said. “You’ve been sleeping for ages. I didn’t think you’d ever awaken.”

Eveline blushed and made certain the furs stayed tightly arranged over her very naked body. The truth was she hadn’t been sleeping for ages at all. Graeme had kept her awake most of the night with his hands and his mouth … She shivered in remembered delight.

The first rays of sunshine had begun to peek over the horizon by the time she’d drifted off to sleep. Graeme had kissed her and then had risen to dress. He hadn’t bothered sleeping since he was due in the courtyard at dawn.

After the first time he’d made love to her, he’d insisted that she would be too sore for him to take her again, but that hadn’t stopped him from pleasuring her the entire night.

She’d achieved release so many times that when he’d finally eased from bed, she’d been asleep before he’d fully left the chamber.

Yawning, she clutched the furs tighter around her and struggled to sit up.

“Why are you here?” Eveline asked Rorie.

Rorie bounced impatiently. “Graeme sent for Father Drummond this morning!”

Eveline smiled. “ ’Tis wonderful, Rorie. I know how badly you want to learn to read and write.”

“You’ll still study with me, won’t you?”

Eveline nodded. “Since you’re here, I’d like your help with something this morning as well.”

Rorie cocked her head to the side. “You want my help? You aren’t angry about last night? ’Tis part of the reason I came into your chamber. I wanted to again offer apology if I hurt you.”

“ ’Tis forgotten,” Eveline said. “And, aye, I need your help. I want to approach Nora. It’s occurred to me that Graeme expects his clan to accept me even though I am from an enemy clan. But ’tis the truth, I’ve yet to do anything to gain their acceptance.”

Rorie scowled. “It does not give them cause to abuse you as they have done.”

“Nay, it doesn’t. But I can’t very well wander around the keep as I used to do in my own, acting the simpleton so no one ever expects anything from me. I’m the laird’s wife and ’tis my duty to oversee the running of the keep.”

A look of unease crossed Rorie’s face. “Well, aye, ’tis true a laird’s wife is usually tasked with the running of the keep, but my brothers share in the responsibility of ensuring the keep is well run. Perhaps ’tis best if you leave it to them.”

“ ’Tis even more reason for me to step in,” Eveline insisted. “Graeme should not be bothered with woman’s work. Nor should Bowen and Teague. They have more important matters to attend to. Will you help me?”

Rorie hesitated and then said, “Aye, of course I’ll help you. I’m uncertain as to what you want me to do, but I’ll assist you in any way I can.”

Eveline beamed over at her sister-in-law. “Wonderful. All I need is your support. ’Tis shameful of me to admit, but I’m a coward. It will ease me to have you at my side when I speak to Nora in the kitchens.”

Rorie slid off the bed. “Well, then, you’d better rise and put some clothing on. You can’t be running about the keep as you are.”

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