"It's true, Royce." Her eyes met his, shyly, as though she were honestly afraid of his reaction. She was studying him closely, judging his response, watching him for any signs of emotion.

Royce felt the sudden need to sit down. "When?"

"As-s best I can figure, sometime over Christmas. My guess was that morning...in the shower."

He nodded. He felt too numb to do much of anything else. He started figuring dates. It had happened at Christmas, and they were already into the second week of March.

"But that was..."

"A few months ago now," she finished for him.

"You're three months pregnant?" She'd kept it a secret for all those months.

She nodded. "Aren't you going to say anything? Oh, Royce, please don't keep me in suspense any longer. Are you happy?"

He struggled for words, but the emotions had jammed in his throat. He swallowed and slowed his breath before nodding. "Yes." He reached for her, taking her by the hips and drawing her to him. He flattened his hand over her stomach and closed his eyes. It was impossible for him to speak.

"Read the letter," she whispered, and tears slipped from the corners of her eyes and ran unrestrained down her cheeks. She brushed them aside. "Don't worry, I'm terribly emotional these days. I start weeping at the drop of a hat, but the doctor said it wasn't anything to be concerned about."

Royce withdrew the paper from inside the envelope. He scanned the contents twice, certain there was some misunderstanding.

"You're leaving the Navy?" he asked, his voice incredulous.

"Yes, but I'm still in the Reserves."

"Why?" After all her arguments about keeping her commission, he couldn't believe that she'd voluntarily give it up.

Catherine's arms circled his neck, and she lowered herself onto his lap. "Because I finally figured out why the Navy was so important for me."

Royce stared up at her, not understanding.

"I was searching to know my father, looking to find him in Navy life... I know it all sounds crazy, but having no memory of him has troubled me for years. Hanging on to the Navy, especially now, was like grasping at straws, because I wanted to find something about him to hang on to."

"But what changed your mind?"

"Our baby. I realized I could do it. Raise our child and everything else when we were so far apart. Then it dawned on me how silly I was being, grasping to find my own father and denying my own child the privilege."

Royce kissed her, worshipping her with his mouth, loving her until they were both trembling.

"Have you told him yet?" Kelly demanded from the top of the stairs.

"She told me," Royce answered.

Kelly raced down. "What do you think, Dad?"

He grinned and held out his hand to his daughter, bringing her into the circle of their love. It was more than he ever dreamed, more than he deserved. Taking Catherine's hand, he pressed her fingertips to his lips. Their eyes held, and in hers Royce saw the warm promise of tomorrow.


Royce was whistling a catchy tune when he pulled into the driveway and turned off the engine. The station wagon was parked alongside of his black Porsche, a baby seat strapped in the rear seat.

Andy was fast outgrowing the padded chair, which worked out well since Jenny would soon be needing it. His three-month-old daughter was growing like a weed.

Pushing a tricycle out of the way, Royce opened the front door and hung his hat and jacket on the brass coatrack. "I'm home."

Four-year-old Andy let out a cry of glee and came tearing around the corner at top speed. Royce swept his son high above his head and hugged him close.

"How's Daddy's little man? Did you help your mother today by being a good boy?"

"Aye, aye, sir." Andrew Royce Nyland saluted sharply, then squirmed, wanting back down. The minute his feet hit the floor, Andy was back to whatever it was that had captured his attention in the first place.

"Royce," Catherine greeted, coming into the entryway, holding their daughter. A smile came automatically to his lips. It never ceased to amaze him, after all these years, all this time, how his heart quickened at the sight of her. She was in a blue business suit with a fancy silk blouse, and Royce vaguely remembered her telling him she'd had to go into the office later than usual. He was proud of the way Catherine had found a position in a prestigious law firm. Proud of her for showing him it was possible to mix a career with a family. She worked three days a week now, but when the time was right, she would eventually take on a forty-hour week. Frankly, Royce felt his wife had something of an advantage over other attorneys. She was so damn beautiful and intelligent he couldn't see a jury in the land disagreeing with her.

"Oh, Royce, I'm glad you're home." Catherine paused to give him a quick but satisfying kiss, handing him Jenny. No sooner was his daughter in his arms, when Catherine was reaching for her coat.

"Where are you headed?"

She turned around and chastised him with a smile. "I told you about the Navy wives meeting this evening, don't you remember?"

"Oh, right." Royce recalled nothing of the sort. He had trouble keeping track of his own schedule, let alone everyone else's.

"Kelly will be home within a half hour," Catherine informed him. "And she's bringing a young man home with her."

"A boy?"

"Royce, she's almost sixteen. This is important to her, so don't make a fuss. All she asks is that you give her a little privacy."

"Hey," he grumbled, reaching for his wife. "How does she rate? If anyone deserves a little privacy, it's us." He kissed her along the side of the neck, savoring her special fragrance. "What time are you going to be home?"

"Not late," she promised, rubbing her mouth over his lips in a slow, erotic exercise. "I promise."

Royce reluctantly released her. "Good, because I've got plans for tonight."

"You've got plans for every night," she teased, "which is a good thing because if you didn't, I would have." She grabbed her purse, started for the front door and turned back around.

"Forget something?"

"Yes." She patted Jenny's sleeping brow and then raised her mouth to his. The kiss was one for the record books. Teasing. Coaxing.

Royce felt his knees grow weak, and if it hadn't been for Jenny, he would have wrapped his arms around Catherine and hauled her up the stairs right then and there.

Catherine sighed and hesitantly broke away from him.

"What was that for?" he asked breathlessly.

"Just so you'd know how much I love you. How grateful I am that you were patient enough to allow me to come to my own decisions. About the Navy. About my joining the law firm. About having Jenny."

"I sincerely hope you intend on thanking me again later."

"You know I do." She grinned and started for the door. Royce turned toward the kitchen, whistling contentedly.

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