"I know."

"Why don't you claim your mate? Merging your souls could keep you from turning." Oron sat down on one of the crates.

"It's too late, Brother," Darian said in a somber tone.

Oron punched the side of a stacked crate easily breaking the boards. "Don't say that. Let me go to Mother..."

"No." Darian shook his head.

"You're both so damn stubborn," Oron cursed under his breath.

"I promised Amelia that I would hold on as long as I could, but the light I received from her is already fading, and the darkness is returning." Darian sighed. He wanted so badly to be able to give Amelia a child, but in his heart he knew he wouldn't make it until the next winter solstice.

"When I..."

"Don't!" Oron stood and turned away from him.

"Brother, please..." Darian said quietly.

When Oron turned to face him, his jaw was clenched.

"When I turn, promise me that you will take Amelia to Éire Danu. She'll be safe there." Darian smiled at him. "Please."

With tears in his eyes, Oron nodded. "I swear on my honor she will be safe."

"Thank you, it helps knowing that she will be taken care of." Darian stood. "Come on, let's not keep the commander waiting."

Oron hesitated. "Are you sure nothing can be done?"

"The darkness is too great. Even if I were allowed to go back home, the portals would never accept me."

"We could try."

"When the time comes, don't hesitate to kill me. It will no longer be me. Already the darkness is leeching away everything that makes me who I am. Don't let it take my honor." Darian laid a hand on his brother's shoulder.

"Hold on," Oron begged.

"I will, as long as I can." He let his hand drop and walked toward the door. "Come on, old man, I still have enough life left in me to kick your ass." He turned and watched his brother swallow hard and force a smile.

"Old man? Just because I used to change your diapers..." Oron smiled.

Darian winced. "Don't let the guys hear you say that."

Oron's smile disappeared. "It should be me, I'm older. I shouldn't have to watch my little brother fade."

Darian looked out at the training grounds where the men laughed and tussled with each other. "Fate doesn't make mistakes. If this is my destiny, then it must be for a reason."

Oron fell into step beside him. "Doesn't mean I have to like it," he grumbled.

Darian shook his head. "I don't think she cares if you do."

They walked together in silence back to the training grounds. He was glad that he had had the chance to speak with his brother. Knowing Oron would look after Amelia took a great weight off his shoulders.

"All right men, gather 'round!" Aiden yelled. Beside him, Penny looked even smaller as she waved at the warriors circling them.

Aiden was about to speak when a buzzing sound caused them to look toward Keelan. He frowned and pulled a phone out of his pocket. "It's Meryn," he said, unlocking the screen.

Aiden waved at him. "Tell her I'll see her later." He turned back to the men. "We have a special helper today. Penny has agreed to help train you men by playing hide and seek."

Darian turned his attention from his commander back to Keelan. The young witch was blushing furiously and looking up at Aiden with a mixture of nervous fear and panic.

"Sir, maybe you should answer this," Keelan said holding up the phone.

Aiden shook his head. "Later."

Keelan looked down with a painful expression at the phone, which buzzed again. He quickly typed something and then buried the phone at the bottom of Aiden's gym bag.

Sascha groaned and stood from where he had been propped up against the climbing wall.

"Good morning, sunshine!" Aiden called cheerfully. "Perfect timing. We're about to train with Penny, so get your mangy ass up," Aiden ordered.

"Damn, Menace," Sascha grumbled, lurching forward on unsteady feet.

Around him, the men chuckled.

"Okay ladies, here are the rules. Don't hide in the house and no hiding in the armory; it's off limits to our girl here. Other than that, have fun." Aiden blew a whistle, and Sascha cringed. The men scattered while Penny hid her eyes.

Oron bumped fists with him and took off. Darian couldn't muster up the energy to be excited. He strolled toward the trees next to the obstacle course and got comfortable at the base of one of the maples.

It wasn't long before he heard rustling in front of him. He couldn't see Penny, but he could see Felix. In fact, he and Oron were the only two that could. The little minx was using the sprite to scout for her.

Felix was bundled head to toe in clothes and Penny had used a fabric wrapped hair tie to keep a small hand warmer held firmly against the sprite's waist. Felix looked like he was having the time of his life.

"That's cheating," he said quietly.

Seconds later, Penny shimmered into view, a guilty look on her face. He winked at her, and she brightened. "Don't worry about me, I won't tell. I'll wait until the game is almost concluded and head back to the course. I'll tell Aiden you found me. I just want to stay here a bit longer."

Penny grinned and gave him a thumbs up. Darian noticed that though she had started speaking more, she still reverted to hand signals for most interactions.

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