“You do not wish to use it?” she asked gently.

“No.” His gaze shifted to the shabby brewery, a frown marring his brow. “Killing another vampire is like killing a father or brother. I would prefer he return behind the Veil.”

“Do you think that likely?”

“No.” There was a pause before he abruptly turned to leap from the carriage. Rounding the horses he helped her to alight. “We must wait no longer.”

She grasped his arm in a firm grip. “You will remember to be careful?”

He gazed down at her with dark, unreadable eyes. “Yes, but I will have a promise from you before we enter.”

There was an edge to his voice that warned her she was not going to like what he was about to demand.

“What is that?”

“If anything happens to me, you are to flee as swiftly as you are able and seek out my cousins. They will protect you.”

“I ...” She swallowed heavily, unable to even consider the possibility that Gideon might be harmed. “Very well.”

“Your promise, Simone,” he demanded, easily seeing through her attempt to avoid a direct pledge. “You cannot battle Tristan. If he cannot possess the Medallion he will destroy you.”

She bit her lip, disliking the thought of running out and leaving Gideon. She had waited her entire life to find someone who made her content to be herself. Someone who did not judge her upon who she was, or care if she possessed unblemished bloodlines. Someone who could love her as Lady Gilbert or Sally Jenkins.

Still, she knew he was right.

If he was overtaken by Tristan, she could not possibly face the vampire alone. And while she might not care if she lived or died if Gideon was taken from her, she could not allow the Medallion to fall into the traitor’s hands.

She owed Gideon that much.

“I promise,” she reluctantly conceded.

“Thank you.” Taking her hand he pulled her into the shadows. “This way.”

Unable to match Gideon’s silent tread, Simone stumbled behind him, coming to a startled halt as he paused before the open door.

Turning, he bent close to her ear. “Tristan is inside. Remember your promise.”

Simone battled her rising panic as she gave a slow nod of her head. For all that she had endured in her life, she knew that nothing could prepare her for this. She could only hope that she was strong enough.

Gripping his hand tightly she walked at his side as they entered the brewery, when there was a sudden flare of light as Tristan lit a lantern. Like Gideon she had already sensed the presence of the vampire, and had no doubt he was well aware of their arrival.

Attired in a bloodred coat and gray pantaloons the vampire might have been just another flamboyant dandy if not for the gaunt hollowness of his countenance and lethal glitter in his eyes. Even in the flickering light there was something unearthly about his presence.

The cold smell of him filled the air, but not completely enough to disguise the wretched stench of a rotting corpse. Simone shuddered, a tangible sense of danger crawling over her skin.

Seeming to flow to the center of the large room, the vampire regarded Simone with a mocking smile.

“Ah, the delicious Lady Gilbert, at last,” he purred softly. “And, of course, the ever faithful Gideon.”

Gideon gave a slight incline of his head. “Tristan.”

“I must say that I am rather surprised at you, Simone,” the vampire continued, his awful gaze taking a slow survey of her tense form. “I did not believe you would be willing to confess your rather sordid secret to anyone. You did tell him of your little secret, did you not?”

Attempting to disguise her raging fear, Simone tilted her chin to a defiant angle.


Tristan’s lips twisted with ugly amusement, as if fully aware of her inner panic.

“Pretending to be your dead sister, very naughty,” he chided. “How do you think the Ton will react when they discover you are no more than a common bastard masquerading as one of your betters?”

Feeling Gideon softly squeeze her fingers in encouragement, Simone shockingly realized that the threat no longer had the power to terrify her. She could face anything, she acknowledged in amazement, even exposure and the inevitable condemnation from society, as long as Gideon was at her side.

“I no longer care,” she said in proud tones.

The vampire briefly faltered as his eyes narrowed. “Liar. You will do anything not to be exposed.”

She managed to meet his gaze without flinching. “I have already confessed the truth to the one person who matters.”

Gideon pulled her closer as Tristan angrily stepped closer, his hands clenched at his sides.

“Do not be a fool, Simone. I will have the Medallion.”

With a smooth step Gideon was moving to stand between her and the advancing vampire.

“No, I think not, Tristan.”

Peering around Gideon’s large form, Simone watched as Tristan swiftly regained command of his temper and returned to his image of mocking nonchalance.

“I am weary of your interference,” the vampire drawled, waving a thin hand in dismissal. “Once I have dealt with Lady Gilbert, I will ensure you are properly punished.”

“You already failed once to be rid of me,” Gideon retorted without the slightest trace of fear.

Without warning the vampire gave a short laugh. “Did you enjoy my little surprise?”

“It convinced me that you must be halted—even if it means I must kill you.”

“Fah, what a pathetic wretch you have become, Gideon,” Tristan taunted even as his lean form tensed to strike. “Soon this mortal woman will have a leash about your neck so that she can prance you about town like a lapdog. Do you have no pride left?”

Ignoring the deliberate attempt to goad his temper, Gideon faced his adversary squarely.

“Will you return to the Veil?”

“Never,” Tristan spat in disgust.

“Then it appears we have nothing left to discuss.”

Tristan shrugged, his smile intact as he watched Gideon slowly move toward him.

“You know, I did hope to leave you alive long enough to watch as I enjoyed the blood of your lover. But perhaps once I have you in my command, little Sally will realize she has no choice but to give me the Medallion.”

“It is over, Tristan,” Gideon warned.

“For you.”

With a movement too swift for Simone to follow Tristan struck out, knocking Gideon to the ground. She cried out, but even as she stepped forward, Gideon was back on his feet with the dagger firmly in his hand.

The two slowly began to circle one another, both warily waiting for the other to strike. Simone pressed a hand to her mouth, anxious not to distract Gideon for even a moment.

They continued to circle, then without warning Tristan simply vanished in a wisp of fog, just as abruptly appearing behind Gideon and slamming his hands into the back of his head.

Gideon staggered but swiftly turned to face the vampire.

Tristan flowed backward, careful to avoid the dagger, his lips pulled into a vicious smile.

“What is it you want, Gideon?” he demanded. “A share in the power?”

“I have no desire for power, Tristan. I only wish to protect the Veil.”

The mist again swallowed Tristan and to her horror, Simone watched as a deep cut appeared on Gideon’s cheek.

“Show yourself, you coward,” Gideon snapped, suddenly shifting as the mist gathered behind him and more blood began to pour from a cut on his back.

“Join me, Gideon,” a disembodied voice whispered. “Together we could rule the world.”

“Your thirst for power has driven you mad,” Gideon retorted, fluidly turning to watch as Tristan again reappeared. “You would sacrifice us all for your own glory.”

“But of course.” The vampire laughed in a scornful manner. “My glory is all that concerns me.”

“It will not be allowed,” Gideon warned, his hand clenched tight upon the dagger in his hand.

Across the room Simone could feel his sharp emotions. As much as he might detest what the vampire had become in his frenzy for power, he still wavered in using the dagger. He could as easily have plunged the weapon in his own heart.

No doubt aware of Gideon’s reluctance, Tristan gave a dismissive wave of his hand.

“There is no one who can halt me. Not even Nefri.”

Gideon surged forward, but as swiftly as he moved he was not quick enough. In the blink of an eye, Tristan was gone and suddenly Simone felt the deadly cold clutch of his fingers as they clutched about her neck. Shock held her still as Tristan tightened his grip and she felt the air being squeezed from her body.

“No,” Gideon cried.

“Tell her to give me the Medallion, Gideon,” he warned in icy tones. Simone desperately sought to breathe, her eyes wide with fright even as she gave a faint shake of her head.

“Let her go,” Gideon commanded, his face set in lines of deadly determination.

“Only after she has given me what I desire.”

“Tristan ...”

“She is dying. I can feel her life slipping away. Now tell her to give me the Medallion,” Tristan growled, giving Simone a shake.

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