I got up sometime later and dragged her into the shower with me before we both got dressed in robes and headed down to the kitchen for a bite since we’d fucked our way through dinner.

“How do you feel baby, I wasn’t too rough was I?” I had to ask because now that the haze had cleared I was looking at her body or what I could see of it in the short silk robe and she looked like a wild animal had been at her.

There was a bite mark on her inner thigh, a few on her neck and cleavage, and what looked like rug burn between her legs. I rubbed my face where my five o’clock shadow had come in.

She blushed and bit into her sandwich. “I’m very good sir.” I trailed a finger down her cheek and went back to my food. Yeah, she was, and I had the scratches down my back to prove it.

Something sure had changed in the last few days, now without any prompting from me she begged me to fuck her in that little innocent drawl of hers, what a fucking turn-on.

We hadn’t been to the playroom in days for obvious reasons, and I had the strong urge to see her tied. Some may call it a sick need, but it’s something I can’t do without, it’s a part of me, who I am, who I need to be. Thank heavens she needs to be dominated as much as I need to dominate.



I awakened to the sweetest sensation between my legs. I started grinding my hips before I came fully awake. I tried to move my arms and that’s when all sleep fled.

I was in the playroom tied to the bed spread eagle, with a pillow under my ass. And master was between my thighs, his face buried in my pussy eating me nice and slow.

“You’re awake.”

“Yes master.” He licked my clit and I almost swooned I knew that when he was in this mood he would torment with slow licks in and around my pussy until I was begging him to fuck me. I had come a long way from that shy little girl afraid to let go and just be.

For now he went back to nibbling my clit as he shoved two fingers inside my cunt. In and out slowly, torturously; my ass was pushing up trying to get his fingers to go deeper.

He left my pussy and tickled the crease of my thigh with his tongue, licking up one side and then down the other until I was a writhing mess.

He licked his way up to my nipples, which had been clamped. How had I missed that while sleeping? The sweet pain sang through my body as he removed the first clamp and sucked my hard nipple into his mouth, chewing and sucking. My pussy gushed and I rubbed myself against his stomach dying for his cock to fuck me.

“Please master.”

‘Please what Kitten?” He did the same to the other breast. “Please fuck me now.” He reached down between us and took his big cock in his hand rubbing it back and forth across my clit and down to my pussy hole. I hunched my hips to get him inside but he pulled back.

“Stop, or I won’t give you my cock.”

I stopped all movement and subjected myself to his teasing. I was rewarded with the fat head of his cock breaching my pussy. Just the tip fucked back and forth in my pussy’s opening as I started to sob and plead for more cock. The little farm girl had become a wanton.

There was another reason I’d given in, overcame my embarrassment at uttering what I once thought of as such filth. It pleased my master immensely, and what pleased him pleases me as well.

The effect my words have on him, are plain to see. He loses all control when I look up at him with my wide innocent eyes and beg him to fuck me.

“I love feeling your big cock inside me, stretching me open, fuck me harder master please.” His hips pounded into me wilder, my arms strained to be set free so I could hold him closer as he mauled my nipples and fucked me harder than still.

“Do you want my cum inside your pussy is that what you’re after? Or should I pull out and cum down your neck? What about your ass would you like me in your ass next?”

The visions his words produced made me hotter and wetter, and I understood the significance of words; my master is very smart. I barely held back a scream when he suddenly pulled out of me.

But then his mouth was there and his tongue, oh that wicked tongue. He attacked my clit as I listened to the sounds he made. They made me push my pussy harder against his face.

He ate at me as if he could consume my flesh his tongue sucking deep inside my walls. He put first one then two fingers in my ass and sent me crashing headfirst towards climax. I barely caught it in time.

“Master may I cum?” I tasted blood on my lip as I bit into it to hold onto my control. He slammed into me without warning, “cum.” We both came loudly and beautifully. Me crying and arching beneath him seeking to take even more of him inside, him with his face buried in my neck growling as he sucked my flesh between his teeth.

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