I felt his hand in my hair and my puss (he’d told me to call it my pussy, but I was still too embarrassed to even think the word) tightened around his shaft, as I knew what was coming.

I felt his fingers in my scalp seconds before the stinging pain of having my hair pulled roughly back. I couldn’t hold back the scream that was torn out of me then.

I widened my legs farther subconsciously and cocked my ass higher in the air, urging him without words to take me, do as he will, use me for his own pleasure.

“That’s my good girl give your sweet pussy to me.” His words only made me burn hotter I was fast losing my inhibitions, the things I wanted to do to him and have him do to me played through my head in slow motion. I felt as if I would pass out from the images flitting through my head.

“Beg me to fuck your ass kitten, beg me to take your ass hard and rough.” I didn’t answer right away, how can I say those words, things I’ve never uttered before? Suddenly he stopped moving inside me, just the tip of one finger played at the entrance of my ass as I felt his…cock throbbing inside me where it was still lodged all the way to the very ends of me.

“Say it, or I will pull out.”

“No-no please no.” Anything but that! I tried moving on his cock myself to retrieve those feelings but he smacked my ass so hard the sound reverberated around the room. The scream this time was one of pain.

“Say it.” There was a war in my heart and mind, how could I say such things? Things that I’d always been taught were naughty? But how can I not if it means losing this feeling? I wanted the feelings to continue, in fact it was more than a want, I felt I would die if he should stop.

“Please sir.”

“Please, what kitten?” One slow thrust in and then he stopped again. That finger in my ass sunk deeper and the hand in my hair tugged harder as he pulled my head back and looked down into my eyes. I saw all the acceptance and love I needed there in his eyes. It was freeing, liberating, enthralling.

“Please fuck my ass sir.” His growl was one of triumph as he bent his head and fed me his tongue. There was still a slight tinge of the taste of my pussy in his mouth. I loved it. I ate at his tongue like I wanted to consume it, which I did. I wanted to take all of him into myself.

That unmerciful pounding commenced again and my body sang beneath his. Then he stopped, our mouths still fused together in a slow sensuous kiss his finger now buried to the hilt in my ass; and he fucked me slower.

The moan started in the pit of my stomach, somewhere beneath my navel and worked its way up my chest to be captured in his mouth. I was going insane with the torture pleasure of having him slide his whole length inside me so deep, at such an easy pace.

I wasn’t sure which I liked best, the hard pounding or the slow ride, I couldn’t decide, but I had no time to think of it as he started back up again, speeding up his pace, alternating between fucking me deep and riding me soft and slow.

The sting in my hair and the slight burn from having his finger in my ass only added to the pleasure and made me juice even harder. By now, the bed beneath me was soaked. My thoughts had become wilder and wilder from too much pleasure. I wanted…

“Please let me suck your cock sir.” Even though my face heated at my bold words, I knew they had pleased him by the way he swooped down and took my lips in a hard kiss that stole what was left of my breath. His hand left my hair and came up around my neck squeezing slightly, cutting off my air, which resulted in my pussy contracting around him.

“Cum Kitten.” It’s about time, I came so hard I went blind for a few seconds, the feel of his hot sperm flooding into me brought me back only to send me over the edge again. “Please no more master.” He ignored me of course and drove into my hard once, twice until I was grunting again, my eyes rolled back in my head.

I came hard and shook all over his cock before he pulled out of me. I turned around quickly having learned this in my training and gobbled his cock down. I started choking right away.

“Slowly, slowly, there’s no rush precious kitten take your time.” His rough hand smoothing my hair gentled me a little and I settled. I remembered my lessons as I licked around the head of his cock, tasting myself and his pre-cum as I made my way down the length of his shaft.

I wanted him in my throat where he belonged, wanted to give him the maximum pleasure. I licked and sucked and nibbled just the way he’d taught me before relaxing my throat and taking him down-down until my nose touched his shaved groin.

“Ahh, fuck Kitten, I love the way you suck my cock; such a good little cock sucker.” I hummed around his cock with pleasure at his praise. I’d been practicing for just such an outcome.

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