I followed her a few minutes later and found her standing in the middle if the room naked, and squirming from one foot to the next.

“Undress me.” She came over and assumed the position, first removing my shoes and socks before kissing my feet and moving on to my pants. Last was my jacket shirt and tie, and by then she was panting, her hands trembling with need.

She went back to kneeling as she awaited my next order. “Come Kitten.” I walked over to the highest of the spanking benches and stood waiting for her. She swallowed deeply but did not object.

“Hands behind your back please.” I walked over the drawer where I kept the silk binders, and then over to the chest where I housed my other goodies. She folded her hands in the small of her back and I walked back over to her turning her to face forward, bending her over the bench and locking her in place.

Her juice mixed with traces of my cum from earlier ran down her thighs.

I tied her hands behind her back with the black silk tie. My movements were slow and precise there was no anger involved. I saw her eyes widen in the mirror when I brought out the clamps. I attached one end of the clamps to her nipples then moved down to her pussy. “Open.” She obeyed and I held her pussy lips open and back and attached the other end of the clamps before bending her over the spanking bench.

“Remember, this is not a punishment, it’s a reminder. You handled yourself well tonight you rebuffed him before things got out of hand; still, I was insulted, my manhood impinged if you will. Now your master has to reclaim what was lost in the few moments that he was near you. Do you understand?”

“Yes Master.” I chose the thick leather strap because yes I wanted to inflict pain, not severely, but I needed to mark her, to leave a lasting impression, something that she would remember. “You do not have to count this time.”

I brought the strap down across her ass, alternating between watching her face in the mirror and her reddening ass cheeks. She mewled and yelped around the gag, but that didn’t stop the force of the next ten lashes that I inflicted on her.

I switched the whip from one hand to the other and felt between her legs. She was dripping wet. “My naughty little farm girl likes to be whipped I see.” I thrust my fingers in and out of her body until she climbed up on her toes.

I knew she was on the edge after I hadn’t let her cum at the hotel, but I had no intentions on letting her find relief anytime soon. Until I got the picture of another man whispering intimately in her ear out of my head she was in trouble.

When her ass was red and hot to the touch I released my cock and slammed into her. She screamed around the gag and her cunt contracted around my cock. “If you cum, I am going to be very pissed. Do. Not. Cum.”

Her eyes widened in fear and I saw pleading there. “I told you to stay away from him did I not Gabriella?” One hard pound into her pussy. “Well?”

“Master, I did, I tried, I…”

“Not hard enough it seems. Do you want me to forbid you to see him, is that it. Should I cancel his contract with my company since he can’t seem to stay away from what’s mine?” I reached my hands around and pinched her nipples hard as I ground my cock into her pussy, my hips slamming into her abused ass.

“Please I want to cum, please let me cum master please.”

“No, do not ask again; you’ll cum when I say and not before. Now answer me. Should I destroy his career do you think? I will you know, three strikes, he’s got one more and he’s done.” The funny thing is I knew he was going to fail. For whatever reason, he wanted her and he wasn’t afraid of my wrath, stupid boy.



Oh fudge! He is royally pissed; he’s hiding it well but I can feel…something, it’s like a live thing under his skin and in the air. I can feel the tension though looking at him you’d never tell.

After he’d bent me over the bench and spanked me then slammed himself into me like a madman I thought for sure he was done. I’d felt his seed burst into my belly, a hot river of that thick cream that I had come to love, come to crave. He hadn’t let me cum though and I was afraid I’d go crazy.

“I want to fuck your ass tonight, get it ready for me.” He untied me and left me in the bathroom shaking like an addict needing a fix. I got the enema ready with not a little embarrassment, knowing that he was on the other side of the door knowing exactly what I was doing.

I followed the instructions and cleaned myself up afterwards before leaving the room. He was laying on the bed waiting for me. His rod hard and sticking up in the air.

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