I’d introduced her to the St. Andrews cross and the smother box, both of which she thoroughly enjoyed. It was a good thing I hadn’t intended on spanking as a punishment because she seemed to really enjoy it.

When she’d begged me for more with her thighs covered in pussy juice, I felt like I’d won the lottery.

Now she laid exhausted, curled into a ball with a half smile still on her face. I made a list and left it for her on my pillow before brushing her hair and leaving her to sleep.



I’ve died and gone to heaven; that was my first thought when I rolled over the next morning after the most amazing night of my life. I never knew there could be so much pleasure or that I would some day find it.

Callan…no, last night everything had changed, I’d sensed it, felt it. He was Sir now. Oh he was the same man who had stolen my heart, but he was now…more.

And even though I would still call him by his time at times, I will never think of him as anything other than my master again.

I got a tingle in my secret place when I thought of the ‘more’. I loved every minute of our time together since he’d brought me here.

The way he takes control, I’d never given it much thought before, beyond my little fantasies, but I find I love having him take charge of me.

Something inside me seems to have blossomed; something I didn’t know was there. Under his hand and guidance I was finding my true self. I didn’t even feel like the old Gabriella anymore. I felt reborn. I am his Kitten.

I reached out my hand to feel the warmth that his body had left on his side of the bed. I knew he had to go in today, I was only a little bummed that I’d slept through his leaving, but my Master must’ve known how tired I was after the night we shared and he’d let me sleep.

My only sadness was that he hadn’t consummated our union       as yet, not fully. That day he’d entered my body halfway I’d thought for sure that was it. And even with the slight pain I’d hungered for it.

Now it’s all I can think about, being under him, being taken by him. His manhood fascinates me; I want it. I want to feel it moving inside me, making me full; stretching me.

I want him to cum inside me like in some of the stories we’ve read together at night, the ones that leave me breathless and wanting more.

I felt my body tingle in that now familiar way and was tempted to touch myself. But no, Master said my orgasms were now his, I couldn’t pleasure myself without his permission.

The plug in my butt and those balls in my secret place felt even bigger this morning as I moved around on the bed. I wish my Master were here with me now, touching me, caressing me…

Better think of something else Gabriella before you get into trouble. There was no way for him to know if I did touch myself, but I now have to give an account for my day whenever we were apart for any length of time.

Not to mention the new journal he’d given me that I was supposed to write in everyday. I couldn’t see myself lying to him about what I’d done, the thought made me almost nauseous.

I saw the note on his pillow. It was the same type of paper that the contract had been written on. My heart began to race as I reached for it, knowing that it was going to be something good.

I jumped off the bed in excitement after reading it. Please let this mean what I think it does.

There was so much to do, where to begin? At the top Gabriella you dunce! I berated myself as my heart beat a wild tattoo in my chest. I read the note over and over again making sure I got it right.

My hands and knees shook as I tried to calm myself. There were hours yet before his return, but I couldn’t wait. I wanted to get started right away.

Uh-oh. I had to have breakfast first before I did anything else. It didn’t enter my mind to question my allowing someone else to make those decisions for me, something as simple as what I had for breakfast.

I didn’t wonder at the joy it gave me that he took the time to even mention that, such a small thing. But he’s been choosing my meals for me since I moved in.

Just like he’s chosen my clothes, the way I wear my hair, everything. He’s taken me over completely and I find that I’ve never felt this free in my life.

I barely sat still long enough to eat the muesli and drink the orange juice as he’d ordered. There were butterflies running rampant in my tummy and I had to press my hand there more than once to settle myself.

It didn’t say for sure, but why else would he have me get the room ready? The room, I love it; after my initial fear that it was some sort of torture chamber, I have come to love the whole concept of the room as he has explained it.

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