The sex part is the easiest believe it or not. It’s the discipline and obedience I will expect from you at all times, forever.”

I guess I did answer her question after all.

“For…you mean…”

“Yes, I mean that when I take you for the first time I will be sealing a bond that will never be broken. That’s why I’ve given you time to look over the contract...”

“I don’t need time.” She interrupted me before her face lit up in a fiery blush.

“My sweet Kitten.” I couldn’t help drawing her to me, and covering her lips with mine. The kiss, was meant to show appreciation, instead it became a mauling.

I sank my tongue deep within her mouth as I drew her flush against me. I positioned her so that her legs straddled mine and the hard rise of my cock prodded into the soft curls of her pussy through the silk of her underwear.

I pressed down harder on her ass so that she could get the full affect of me rubbing against her as I fed her my tongue, before pulling hers into my mouth. So fucking sweet and hot for it. “I can’t wait to taste you on my tongue.”

Her body shook and she moaned into my mouth when I retook hers.

When we were both out of breath and gasping for air I held her head against my chest. “What if I’m no good at it, what if…”

“I’ll teach you all you need to know have no fear. I had planned to give you more time but I find that that no longer works for me.”

Especially not with assholes on your scent, no way, and now that I know you want me too, there’s no stopping me.

The car came to a stop outside the posh address on the Upper West side where the fashionable and the moneyed of the city went to see and be seen. It was the perfect entrée into society for the woman that will be mine. A statement if you will.

I wish I hadn’t thought of dinner out tonight, but I wanted to show her off. Marion had started making the rounds; though she didn’t know that word had gotten back to me. I had warned her, but I should’ve known that wouldn’t be enough.

I aimed to stifle the whispers before they got started. No one in my circle would dare affront me I’m sure, but I know the cattiness of some women and I didn’t want her hurt in the future.

Women of a certain age bracket tend to rally around each other when word that a much younger model was in their midst and apparently on the prowl, as Marion was rumored to have intimated about Gabriella.

I wasn’t going to share any of this with her of course, why would I? it was my job to protect her and protect her I will.

Anyone who saw us here tonight will know some of what she means to me. In a few weeks there will be no question, but this will have to do for now.

All eyes were on us as we were led to our prime table in an ideal spot that made us visible to most of the room. I’m not usually an exhibitionist, but the situation called for it.

After I’d been given the heads-up about the rumor mill I’d done some homework.

I knew that Drusilla Peters, who was the gossip rag maven, was dining here tonight. The woman has been on my ass for an exclusive ever since I moved back to the city.

I didn’t plan on giving her one, but I knew everything I did here tonight would be in the paper tomorrow, not to mention making the rounds at whatever galas and soirees were on the agenda for the coming season.

It was too bad that the situation with Josh had cropped up in the middle of all that mess, yet another distraction.

I wasn’t too worried about him though, or about Marion come to think of it. I had what I wanted Marion could go fuck herself. But it was what she could do to Gabriella that bothered me; the damage of a few well placed lies.

I removed the mink stole that I had thrown over her shoulders just before we left the house, and seated her instead of letting the maître d’ do it.

Making sure to run my fingers sensually across her shoulders before taking my own seat next to instead of across from her.

I ordered a bottle of the best white they had on offer and smiled when she told me she’d never had any before. “It’s okay love, a glass or two with dinner won’t hurt.” And I was sure they wouldn’t dare card her as long as she was with me.

“You look very grown up and very beautiful tonight.” Again the blush came out and I was happy to see the light shining in her eyes.

I’m sure the day and the evening must be a bit confusing to her. First I all but dragged her out of the shoot, then introduced her to things I’m sure she’d never experienced, and now here we were having dinner together in this place.

And my anger had been assuaged completely, so I was more at ease.

I guess the fact that I was now sure she hadn’t been flirting with the other man went a long way to easing whatever anger I’d had working there. And her response to having my hands on her did the rest. Copyright 2016 - 2024