Her hands gripped the front of my shirt as she steadied herself and I couldn’t resist taking one last peck of her lips.

“Get dressed and come down to the exercise room baby.” I walked away leaving her standing there bemused, but I knew if I stayed a second longer I’d do more than I was ready to; or than she was ready for.


I fucked with her senses for the next forty-five minutes. Every chance I got, at every opportunity, I was touching her in some way.

My hands must’ve brushed against the sides of her breasts at least five times. I kept her in a constant state of arousal. I liked the way her nipples pebbled beneath the nylon sports bra when I did or the way her breathing hitched whenever I came near.

When I wasn’t touching her, I was teasing her with my body, showing off my manly physique in its best light as I did my weight training or crunches.

She’d stop doing her routine to watch me before she caught herself and with a blush went back to it.

I didn’t try to hide the semi hardness of my cock as it moved around beneath my shorts unharnessed. When her breath started to get choppy from more than the exercise, I called a halt to it.

“You may go take a shower now Gabriella. She raced upstairs to her room and I smiled. I hadn’t missed the way her legs were shaking as she stood. I ignored my stiff cock as I headed for the kitchen to make our breakfast before taking my own shower.

She wouldn’t look me in the eye at breakfast, but I kept up a steady flow of conversation forcing her to. “So are you ready for your big day?”

“Yes, I’m so excited, do you really think they’re going to like me?” She asked for the second time.

“Of course why wouldn’t they? You heard Paulette, you’re a natural.”

“What should I wear? I have no idea what to wear for something like this.”

“Why don’t you let me choose something? You’re just having your beautification day today; I don’t think you actually start shooting for a few days yet. They have to do test shots and get the right lighting set up and all that stuff I believe, before they get down to it.”

“If it’s not too much trouble I’d love for you to pick out something.” Why should such a simple thing make me hard? It was her natural instinct to let me take the lead, the way she deferred to me. Soon she will defer to me in all things. The thought made my cock jump in my shorts.

I chose a pair of linen fawn colored slacks that I’d bought under duress, and an ivory top in silk with buttons up the front and a nice bow that fell to about mid-chest.

Her shoes were the same fawn color as her pants, flats this time, since she’d be doing a lot of walking around today.

I left her long enough to take my own shower and get ready before going back to her.

“What should I do with my hair?” she turned those big wide-open, innocent eyes up to me and I had to restrain myself. Running my fingers through the long length of her hair I held it up to my nose out of her sight.

She purred like a kitten when I played with it, dragging my fingers from her scalp to the tips of it.

“Leave it down, I like looking at it.” She smiled and ran the brush through it for a few strokes before replacing it and turning to me. “There, done, I’m ready.”

I took her hand and led her out of the room and the apartment. It was a warm day for late September but there was still a bit of cool in the air. I used that as an excuse to draw her under my arm as we walked to the car.

Already I could sense the proprietary way in which I walked next to her, with my body shielding hers, my larger girth between her and the other pedestrians on the sidewalk.

Shaking my head at the driver, I sat her myself before heading around to the other side. “Nervous?” I looked over at her as I took her hand in mine, moving them both to my thigh.

She squeezed my hand as she looked out the window, feigning interest in the passing scenery, but I could tell that she was very aware of me, of my touch. The racing pulse in her throat was a dead giveaway.

“A little, but you’ll be there won’t you?”

“Of course.” I looked into her eyes for a little longer than was necessary when I gave her my answer.

For the few minutes we were trapped in the car I continued my quest to find out all that I can about her.

I learned of her insecurities, her hang-ups, and saw her innocence shining through loud and clear. It was like waving a red flag before a bull, that sweet innocence. I wanted to possess every ounce of it.

She was like an open book, for all her quiet reserve. As soon as I got her talking, the information just flowed effortlessly.

I had made up my mind sometime in the predawn hours as I laid alone in bed with my cock hard and aching, that I wasn’t going to prolong her initiation.

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