“So your plans are to be a success at something but not necessarily acting.” I resumed the conversation as we sat in the car on the way home.

I needed to have this shit clear in my head so that I could get my shit organized. Not that it would make much of a difference in the end, it wouldn’t matter what she was after, if it conflicted with my wants. I know me well enough to know it wouldn’t stop me. But neither did I want to kill her dreams.

“That sounds about right; aunt Marion says she has a job for me for now though, so maybe I can take my time and decide what I want to do.”

Shit, I’d almost forgotten Marion. I had become so caught up in my inner plans that I’d forgotten the proverbial white elephant in the room.

How the fuck was I going to play this shit so that my little farm girl doesn’t get hurt?

I placed my free arm along the back of her seat as I drove, my fingers teasing the ends of her hair. I don’t think I would ever be able to be in the same space as her without some form of contact.

I knew what that was, what it was that I had already started doing, but I was sure it would be lost on a little innocent like her.

I’d have to be careful though, until I got this straightened out to my satisfaction. I’ll have to keep my baser instincts where she was concerned under wraps.

There were some who might use it against us and I couldn’t have that. When I go after what I want, it wasn’t wise for anyone to get in my way and things could get messy.

To avoid too much blood shed I’ll have to play the fucking diplomat, something I have no training for.

She eased her head back just a little to feel my fingers in her hair, had I not been so attuned to her every move I would’ve missed it.

The secret smile that played across my lips was well hidden in the dim interior of the car. Better and better, for the first time in a long while, I was actually looking forward to the chase.


When we got to Marion’s place I felt my anxiety return. How was I going to leave my sweet innocent girl here at the mercy of this vulture? I schooled my features as we approached the apartment door though.

For my plan to work I couldn’t let on in anyway that I was interested, and until I talked things out with Gabriella I would have to play it smart.

This was a fucking mess for a man like me. It went against everything in me to do it, but how crazy would she think I am if I told her she was coming home with me where she belonged? If I didn’t want more than just a quick fuck that might’ve worked.

Marion opened the door with her big fake smile plastered on her face. My poor babygirl was looking at the woman who’d been so generous towards her like she’d hung the moon and I felt sick.

She was too fucking innocent for this shit; between Marion and myself, I wasn’t sure who was safer. Marion would eat her alive, and I wanted to bury myself in her until I owned every inch of her, body and mind.

The smile slipped off of Marion’s face as she looked from one to the other of us as though she thought I’d brought the wrong girl home.

“Gabriella?” there was a faltering in her voice.

“Yes aunt Marion it’s me.”

I didn’t miss the sour look that crossed Marion’s face, but she was a pro, as soon as it appeared it was gone.

“Come in, come in. I’ve been waiting for you. How was your trip? I hope everything went okay; you didn’t have any trouble on the way…” She was babbling away, which had to be a first. The very composed Marion was always on top of things.

Gabriella followed along behind her as she walked her through the apartment to show her to her room. I stood in the living room waiting for them to return.

I should’ve known that she would pull what she did when they came back. It was only now settling in that I’d just spent the last few hours with this hot young thing, and what that would do to Marion’s ego; granted she’d been the one to ask me to pick up Gabriella.

As soon as they came back into the room she walked over to me and placed her hand on my chest.

“Thank you ever so much lover.” I moved my face away just in time when she reached for my mouth, my eyes never leaving Gabriella’s over her head.

I saw the look of devastation that crossed her face before she looked down at the floor. I felt it in my gut and that more than anything else that had happened in the last few hours, was very telling. It hurt me to hurt her, fuck.

I would’ve set Marion straight right then and there, but I knew if I did that in front of Gabriella it would only make things worse for her.

As it is Marion wasn’t too pleased when I pushed her back away from me and moved towards the door.

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