Without hesitation, Qingfeng Li raised his right hand and slapped her face again and again.

Slap! Slap! Slap…

After a dozen of slaps, her cheeks had become red and swollen with countless finger prints. It was a pathetic sight.

The princess of the Soil-Border Country was now ugly and disheveled, looking not a bit like the former beautiful princess.

Her charming face now looked like a crimson pig head. Qingfeng Li gave her a kick and she landed heavily on the ground

Qingfeng Li was ruthless to his enemies and the woman was no exception since she had insulted him and even launched a sneak attack on Mengyao Xu.

The watching self-cultivators from five countries all had solid backgrounds. One of them was a state preceptor while some were royal princes, princes, and princesses. They were all stunned at the drama unfolding before them.

Because no self-cultivator had ever dared to hit a princess, which was a forbidden act among the countries. Such an act would offend the royal family of the kingdom to say the least and could even trigger a war between two kingdoms.

But Qingfeng Li was indifferent to the rules because he was not a citizen of the Country of Lingyun or even the Crimson Fire Continent. He was only a visitor and he would attack anyone who dared to mess with him.

“Who is that guy? He is so audacious that he dared to beat the princess of Soil-Border Country. Doesn’t he know that the prince of Soil-Border Country is a overprotective freak?”

“The prince of Soil-Border Country is a powerful genius ranking the ninth in the supreme realm master list. And he dearly loves his junior sister. This guy is finished.”

“The guy stood with the Second Prince of the Country of Lingyun, so I guess he must come from it. But the Country of Lingyun is the weakest of the five kingdoms and even its emperor can’t protect him.”

The self-cultivators around were all talking among themselves, looking at Qingfeng Li with mockery and disdain in their eyes.

Among the southern five kingdoms in the Crimson Fire Continent, the Country of Lingyun ranked the last in power.

When they met, the people from other kingdoms would always mock and tease those from the Country of Lingyun. Qingfeng Li was of course no exception.

Qingfeng Li heard the comments from the self-cultivators of the other kingdoms, but he didn’t care.

He raised his foot and kicked the princess of Soil-Border Country up in the air. In this moment, a young man dressed in an embroidered robe flew out from the group of the Soil-Border Country and caught her in the air.

Six feet tall with bulging muscles, the young man had a majestic statue. His hair, skin and eyebrows were as yellow as the earth and his body emitted an overwhelming presence.

After she was caught in arms by the young man, the princess of Soil-Border Country sobbed, “Brother Prince, you must avenge for me. The deplorable fellow dared to slap my face.”

The yellow-haired young man reached out his thick yellow palm and rubbed the princess’s face. Instantly, her face was no longer swollen and regained her former charming look.

The watching self-cultivators were all stunned at the great power of the Soil-Border Country’s Prince.

The prince walked forward. His presence increased with each of his step. The air and sands around him began to crack outward like a spider web.

Having reached the pinnacle of fifth level of supreme realm, the Prince of Soil-Border Country was powerful.

It was extraordinary for a human to reach the pinnacle of fifth level of supreme realm.

Only some powerful demon beasts such as the General Desert, the No.1 super fighter under the Desert Queen, and the Mother of Vines could reach such a high level.

The Prince of Soil-Border Country was such a super fighter and that was why he ranked in the top ten of the supreme realm prodigy list.

Looking at the man coming toward them, a trace of terror appeared n the Second Prince’s eyes since he knew his father, the Emperor, was a fifth level supreme realm master.

He had not expected the Prince of Soil-Border Country had also reached the fifth level of supreme realm. No wonder the latter’s kingdom was much more powerful than his.

The Second Prince looked at Qingfeng Li at his side and warned in a low voice, “Please be careful. The Prince of Soil-Border Country is powerful. I fought with him three years ago and was defeated by him with only one strike.”

With a slight smile, Qingfeng Li said, “You are too weak, it’s no wonder that you were defeated by him with one strike.”

Hearing Qingfeng Li’s words, the Second Prince rolled his eyes at the blow to his self-esteem. On the other hand, he considered his weak strength and thought Qingfeng Li was in the right.

The Prince of Soil-Border Country glared at Qingfeng Li and said coldly, “You dared to slap my sister’s face. I will give you only one option, kneel down and kowtow before killing yourself.”

Laughing contemptuously, Qingfeng Li said, “I’ve never had a Prince kneel down and kowtow to me. So I will also give you a choice, kneel down and kowtow to me and I will spare your life, otherwise today is your death date.”

The Prince of Soil-Border Country raised his head and laughed, his eyes full of disdain. He whipped out his right fist abruptly and formed a muddy-colored fist.

The muddy-colored fist whipped up a tornado which gathered the sands and formed a violent sandstorm crashing toward Qingfeng Li with the intention to tear him into pieces.

Coolly, Qingfeng Li held his ground and was motionless as if he didn’t see the sandstorm. When the violent sandstorm was almost upon him, Qingfeng Li abruptly reached out his right hand which transformed into a claw.

With golden twinkling runes, the claw shattered the violent sandstorm which dropped to the ground as a sheet of sands.

The Prince’s pupils contracted, and a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes. He had not expected his powerful attack would be blocked by the young man. He knew he had met a powerful rival and must launch his strongest attack.

“Gravity Technique.” With a yell, the Prince of Soil-Border Country played his best card.

Extremely difficult to cultivate, the Gravity Technique was a set of powerful supreme realm cultivation techniques. It was said that it was once a set of spirit royal realm cultivation techniques, but the last techniques had been lost.

Despite its incompleteness, it was the top existence in the supreme realm cultivation techniques and it was only available to the Emperor and the Prince. Even the princess of Soil-Border Country was not allowed to cultivate it.

A huge crater appeared in the ground between the Prince and Qingfeng Li. In the crater there was a tremendous pulling force trying to suck Qingfeng Li down into the sands.

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