Facing the interrogation from the man in the black cloak, Qingfeng Li did not say much as he directly summoned the vital essence inside of his body and waved his right hand. His hand then turned to a Heavenly Giant Palm slapping down firmly.


Following the tremendous sound, Qingfeng Li’s palm slapped the top of the black cloaked man’s head and shattered his head, neck, spine, and legs into pieces. The black cloaked man then turned into a bloody fog and disappeared.

The other hundreds of black cloaked men were shocked and began panicking. The dead black cloaked man was their teammate. They were all trained by the Scorpion Assassin Alliance and were highly skilled, but he was killed by a single palm strike.

However, the next second, these black cloaked men shouted out their anguish for their comrade and got ready to fight. The Scorpion Assassin Alliance had a rule, they had to murder their enemies to avenge their dead comrades.

Two men in black rushed out from the back towards Qingfeng Li, swinging their black daggers and stabbing at Qingfeng Li’s heart and throat.

Qingfeng Li sneered at them, stepped up, and waved his palm again. He slapped his palm at the two black cloaked men’s bodies, directly shattering their body.

The rest of the men in black cloaks were not frightened by Qingfeng Li, instead taking out their long swords, giant blades, and spears, ready to face Qingfeng Li’s attacks and kill him.

They decided to use the trapping spell to besiege Qingfeng Li until he was too weak to go on.

Qingfeng Li walked forward. He used his palm to kill a man in a black cloak for every step he took.

One step, one kill, and that was all Qingfeng Li was doing.

After Qingfeng Li had taken ten steps, he had killed over ten black cloaked assassins, not a single one a match for him.

Qingfeng Li’s strength was far beyond theirs. He had broken through to the first level of the supreme realm and had finished practicing the seventh fist of the Strangle Hell Fist. Qingfeng Li’s whole body radiated the dark aura of the talisman scripts from hell, which covered the sky and the earth.

Moreover, Qingfeng Li had assimilated the dragon bone into the forefinger of his right hand. The finger was therefore invincible and could pierce and kill anything in the world.

These assassins in black cloaks were well known masters in the self-cultivation world, but compared to Qingfeng Li, they were vulnerable and weak like ants.

Qingfeng Li kept moving forward with even more powerful vital essence in his body, surrounded by the breath of the Strangle Hell Fist.

The black talisman scripts spread out on Qingfeng Li’s palm making it cold, terrifying, and blood-thirsty. Every time he raised his palm, he eliminated four to ten black cloaked assassins.

If Qingfeng Li used to be able to kill one person for each step he took, now he could kill ten people with each step.

After twenty steps, Qingfeng Li was surrounded by hundreds of the black cloaked men. All the assassins outside of the castle were killed by Qingfeng Li; nobody was left alive.

Black Puppy was with Qingfeng Li and helped him to put down a few assassins that were sneaking behind his back. Black Puppy used its paws to kill them.

The ground was covered by blood and terror filled the air after they were done.

Qingfeng Li was far too fast. The people inside of the castle had not had enough time to react before he killed all the assassins in the black cloaks.

At that moment, a black cloaked man flew out of the castle. He was a medium sized skinny man in his middle ages. Although his face looked slightly thin and weak, his eyes shined out an intense desire for murder and his body was wrapped with powerful energy.

This man was a first level master in the supreme realm and was famous for killing two first level supreme realm self-cultivators.

He was the number one killer in the Scorpion Assassins League and was called the gold medal assassin. He was ranked just under the lord of the Scorpion Assassins League.

The middle-aged man looked at Qingfeng Li and said, emotionlessly, “You actually found our headquarters and killed so many of us. They were our best assassins and were our core force. You deserve to die.”

Qingfeng Li smiled calmly but said ruthlessly, “Those who have said I deserve to die are dead already. This day will be your last.”

The middle-aged man laughed coldly and took out a long blade. It was a black long blade about three fingers wide and six feet long. The blade was slightly curved and was stained dark red.

The blade was soaked with the blood of the countless people he had killed, and all the blood had actually made the supreme grade blade mutate.

The man looked at Qingfeng Li murderously, “I have killed nine hundred and ninety-nine people. You will be the one-thousandth dead soul. You should be honored.”

Qingfeng Li curled up his upper lip and said conceitedly, “I have killed a thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine people. You will be the two-thousandth dead soul.”

The middle-aged man sneered, and a spark of rage flashed through his eyes. He raised the supreme level Scale Blade, which split the air, tremored with power, and overflowed with death, and swiped at Qingfeng Li’s body.

Qingfeng Li did not move an inch and just stood his ground like a stone statue. He moved his right hand when the black blade had almost reached his eyes. Suddenly, he squeezed his forefinger and middle finger and pressed the black supreme level Scales Blade between his two fingers.

The number one killer’s eyes were puzzled. He did not expect his supreme level Scales Blade to be caught by Qingfeng Li’s two fingers. What were his fingers made of and why were they so strong?

The number one killer of the Scorpion Assassins League had used his Scale Blade to split second and third grade meteorites in half. He could even cut open a whole mountain.

Qingfeng Li’s right-hand forefinger was shining out golden dragon light. His right finger could even defeat weapons even higher level than the Scale Blade.

The number one killer summoned the killing vital essence and released black fog from his body like a big devil boss. Then, he firmly pulled back on his long blade trying to pull it from of Qingfeng Li’s fingers.

Suddenly, the number one killer’s face changed dramatically as though he had seen a ghost, for he realized that he could not move the blade at all. Those two fingers were like a pair of iron pliers holding his supreme level Scale Blade so tightly that it wouldn’t budge.

Qingfeng Li laughed carelessly, “Maybe I can borrow this blade for a while.”

Qingfeng Li then pulled his right hand forward and brought the blade in front of him. He flipped his hand and grabbed the blade by the handle.

The number one killer, full of anger, yelled, “Give me back my supreme level Scale Blade.”

There was a twinge of murder in Qingfeng Li’s eyes as he said grimly, “I borrowed your blade. Now I will borrow your head.”

Qingfeng Li slashed the supreme level Scale Blade and cut through the air with a sharp streak of death towards the number one killer’s head.

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