Black Puppy looked at Qingfeng Li, bafflement and then astonishment appeared in its eyes because it sensed a world-shaking soul power in Qingfeng Li.

It looked at Qingfeng Li and said in astonishment, “Have you entered the supreme realm?”

Qingfeng Li nodded and said, “Yes, I just broke through into the supreme realm.”

He didn’t tell Black Puppy that he had merged the dragon bone with his right forefinger.

With his right forefinger, he could perform the Godly Dragon Finger, which was so powerful that it could pierce the heaven and void and suppress time and everything in it.

Li Yang looked at Qingfeng Li with admiration and her eyes were full of golden sparkling stars. She almost threw herself into his arms.

She remembered that when she first met Qingfeng Li, he was not very powerful, yet only two months passed and Qingfeng Li had entered the supreme realm.

His cultivation progress was the fastest in the world of self-cultivators. It wasn’t an exaggeration to call him the greatest genius in the last one thousand years.

Qingfeng Li glanced at Li Yang and said, “You wait here in the hotel. Black Puppy and I will go out to finish a task.”

Then, he left the hotel with Black Puppy. Walking on the broad street in the crowd of people, Black Puppy looked baffled.

“Qingfeng Li, what are we going to do? I sense a killing intent from you.” Wagging its little black tail, Black Puppy asked.

Qingfeng Li smiled slightly and said, “Yeah. I’ve decided that I’m going to destroy the Scorpion Assassin Alliance.”

Black Puppy asked, “Do you know where their headquarters are? How can we destroy them if we don’t know where they are?”

“Puppy, don’t worry. I know where their headquarters are and we’re on the way to destroy them.”

Confidently, Qingfeng Li led Black Puppy toward the high mountains northwest of the Imperial Capital.

A high mountain stood to the northwest of the Imperial Capital. With a height of more than 3,000 meters, the mountain was covered with dense ancient trees where many demonic beasts were residing.

The demonic beasts here were powerful and would attack any self-cultivators coming near their lairs. It had become an isolated mountain named Black Tiger Mountain and few people dared to go near it.

Today the Black Tiger Mountain had two visitors, Qingfeng Li and Black Puppy.

They barged into the ancient forest without a care for the demonic beasts lurking in the trees.

A demonic vulture flying in the air extended its sharp claws and slashed downwards, aiming for Qingfeng Li’s heart.

The demonic vulture had reached the pinnacle ninth level of the spirit emperor realm and was on the verge of entering the supreme realm.

Among the demonic beasts living here, it was one of the strongest fighters, but in the eyes of Qingfeng Li, its power was nothing to him.

Glancing up at the demonic vulture in the air, Qingfneg Li opened his mouth and spat out a beam of golden energy.

As fast as a flash of lightning, the golden energy shot a big hole in the demonic vulture.

The big hole was where its heart had been. Immediately, the demonic vulture drooped on the ground in a bloody mass. With a shrieked, it died.

Without sparing a glance at its body, Qingfeng Li led Black Puppy to continue their journey.

They had only walked scores of meters when a giant spider leapt from the underground. Scores of meters high, the spider’s eight sharp pliers on the tentacles emitted black light which carried deadly poison.

A first level supreme realm fighter, the giant spider was stronger than the demonic vulture they had just met.

It opened its mouth and spat out a white spier web, seeking to bind Qingfeng Li with it.

Strong and dense, the white spider web contained unimaginable force in its blinking white binding runes.

With a thought, Qingfeng Li took out the Fire Emperor Sword. Channeling the fire style vital essence in his body, he hacked it forward with force and formed a sword aura of fire.

The sword aura of fire burned the white spider web with loud crackling sounds. Distinct marks appeared on it as if the spider web was on the verge of breaking.

Qingfeng Li frowned and a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes. He had not expected the spider web would be strong enough to block his sword aura attack.

Beside him, Black Puppy explained, “Qingfeng Li, your Fire Emperor Sword is only an emperor level spirit device while the giant spider’s web is equivalent to a supreme level attack. Of course you couldn’t break it.”

Qingfeng Li nodded his understanding and returned the Fire Emperor Sword to the interspatial ring.

He decided to melt the white spider web with fire.

Golden flame appeared, dancing between his right forefinger and middle finger.

The golden flame’s temperature was as high as 8,000 degrees. As soon as it appeared, it burned the air into a big black hole. Like the black holes in the universe, it was connected to a mysterious space.

With great force, Qingfeng Li threw the golden flame upon the white spider web. With loud crackling sounds, the white spider web was burned into ashes and vanished.

The gold fire was powerful enough to burn up anything in the world. Even the white spider web from the supreme realm demonic beast could not withstand it.

The giant spider changed its expression at the sight. Fury appeared in its eyes because the spider web was its most important thing next to life.

But it should have been burned into nothing by the Qingfeng Li’s fire.

The giant spider whipped out its right leg which tore a huge crack in the air and clawed at Qingfeng Li.

With a sneer, Qingfeng Li held his ground and didn’t move until the giant spider’s leg was almost upon him.

Abruptly, he reached out his right hand and grabbed the giant spider’s right leg and wrung it with force. With a cracking sound, the giant spider’s leg broke into two pieces and dropped to the ground.

The giant spider opened its mouth and screamed. The pain from its broken leg was so great that even the supreme realm demonic beast couldn’t bear it.

The spider leg was its most powerful weapon besides its white spider web, but now it was broken. Copyright 2016 - 2024