Dark Night Emperor and the soul of the Fire Dragon combined forces and cracked the third star in the runes of the five-pointed array which in turn exploded into pieces with a booming sound.

The saint’s runes disappeared, and the crystal white bone was exposed to the air. The godly dragon presence it released shocked the earth and awed the heaven.

Under the suppression of Gold Dragon’s powerful presence, Qingfneg Li stumbled backward with a pale face and almost fell to the ground, his body shaking slightly.

In this critical moment, the soul of the Fire Dragon emitted its own godly presence and helped Qingfeng Li withstand the Gold Dragon presence released from the dragon bone, steadying his body.

Sighing, Qingfeng Li thought to himself, “So powerful. No wonder the Gold Dragon was the most physically powerful creature in the world. I can’t even resist the presence released from one of its bones; I would definitely be crushed into a meat pie if it was the true Gold Dragon.”

With a slight smile, the soul of Fire Dragon said to Qingfeng Li, “Little One, Dark Night Emperor and I have broken the saint’s sealing stamp on the dragon bone. Now you can refine it with the Godly Dragon Chant I just taught you.”

Qingfeng Li nodded with exhilaration in his eyes. Silently, he chanted the Godly Dragon Chant he learnt from the Fire Dragon.

The Godly Dragon Chant was a set of godly dragon cultivation techniques only for the dragon family and was usually not available to humans.

But the soul of Fire Dragon made an exception with Qingfeng Li since it had a good relationship with him and it would need Qingfeng Li to find it a proper godly dragon body for it to reside in.

Of course, it would be impossible for an ordinary person to cultivate the Godly Dragon Chant. But Qingfeng Li could do it since he had a drop of dragon blood in his body and thus had formed a bond with the dragon family.

Lying on his belly like a dragon, Qingfeng Li brought his hands together and formed a godly dragon chant gesture.

Different from the cultivations of humans, Qingfeng Li held the Gold Dragon bone in his hands as he chanted.

At first, the bone resisted Qingfeng Li’s refinement, but Qingfeng Li’s Godly Dragon Chant was very powerful. It emitted an ancient godly dragon’s presence and the twinkling godly runes in it were the most ancient runes in the dragon family and also the most powerful ones in the world.

The Godly Dragon Chant Qingfeng Li cultivated was powerful, but so was the Gold Dragon runes emitted from the dragon bone. The two ancient godly dragons were fighting for control.

Meanwhile, something in Qingfeng Li’s body sensed the presences of Fire Dragon and Gold Dragon and responded with singing and began tumbling in his body.

Boom! Boom! Boom…

In Qingfeng Li’s body, there began great upheavals which sounded like a tsunami, an earthquake, a torrential flood, a hurricane, or a desert sandstorm. During the violent upheavals, the sounds of dragons singing and tigers roaring rang across the sky.

Qingfeng Li’s body also released a godly dragon presence which carried chaotic confusions. It was neither gold, wood, water, fire, earth; or thunder or light and darkness. It actually carried some chaotic property, slight as it was.

Sensing the chaotic presence of the dragon blood released from Qingfeng Li, the Gold Dragon bone made a trembling sound, as if it had met its ancestor.

In Qingfeng Li’s eyes there were two planets rotating. The planets were terrifyingly giant, hundreds of millions of times bigger than the Earth.

On the planet in his left eye were countless species including true dragons, phoenixes, rocs, garudas, nine-headed worms and bull demons, etc.

In the other eyeball there were wind, rain, thunder, lightning; gold, wood, water, fire, earth; sun, moon, stars; everything between the sky and earth; and mountains and rivers.

Qingfeng Li didn’t realize that his eyes were experiencing a transformation. More accurately, it was not his eyes that were changing, but his chaos dragon blood. It was releasing a powerful chaotic pulling force as if it had found its offspring or subjects.

In front of Qingfeng Li a chaos godly dragon shadow appeared. Though very faint, one could see its dignity and power. It released a lemon-colored vortex and absorbed the whole Gold Dragon bone in its body.

The Gold Dragon bone struggled violently, trying to get out of it. But it couldn’t escape. Finally, it entered Qingfeng Li’s right forefinger and merged itself with Qingfeng Li’s finger bone.

One could see Qingfeng Li’s forefinger had turned into golden and his finger bone released golden light which shone up the world and tore open the sky.

A powerful godly dragon strength was released from the gold dragon bone and travelled through Qingfeng Li’s skin, muscles, sinews, bones and internal organs before gathering in his Dantian. Finally, the strength rushed into his spirit core.

The spirit core was the most important part in a self-cultivator since it represented the self-cultivator’s power level. The stronger the spirit core was, the greater the self-cultivator’s battle force and vital essence were.

After absorbing the Gold Dragon’s energy, Qingfeng Li’s spirit core began to transform again. Previously there were nine marks on the golden spirit core, now the marks began to crack.

Nine marks all exploded into golden light spots which turned into bright golden mini suns after absorbing the Gold Dragon energy.

Qingfeng Li’s Dantian was like a universe with golden suns or stars rotating in there.

Qingfeng Li’s spirit core was the center of the universe, dominating the golden stars revolving around it. The golden stars orbited around the spirit core as if they were worshipping their god.

Finally, the golden light began to gather and eventually condensed into a golden sun containing terrifying power. The sun was Qingfeng Li’s spirit core.

His spirit core shattered and then reorganize into a sun spirit core.

Usually when a self-cultivator broke through into the supreme realm, he/she would also have a golden spirit core. But their spirit cores were not as brilliant or powerful as Qingfneg Li’s spirt core.

Qingfeng Li’s golden sun spirit core was like the Sun in the universe, shining up everything in the world like the dominator of the universe.

He stood up and didn’t release a trace of energy.

The air around him began to crack and explode into debris.

Like the dominator of the world, Qingfeng Li released from his Dantian a violent, burning and world-destroying energy.

“I actually broke through into the spirit supreme realm and condensed the legendary sun spirit core,” Qingfeng Li murmured to himself, exhilaration in his eyes.

Sun spirit core was the most powerful spirit core in the universe. It was also called the sun physique and had the potential to rival the Sun God.

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