Princess Red-Swallow smiled lightly and said, “There are many ways to get an Imperial Grade Vitality Stone. First you could go on a mission to hunt the emperor level demonic beasts of the demonic beast mountain range. Second, kill emperor level masters for the Assassin Alliance. Third, answer the alchemy questions asked by the Planetary Elixir Pharmacy.”

Qingfeng was now situated in Lingyun Imperial Capital, and wanted to hunt the demonic beasts of the demonic beast mountain range, or help the Assassin Alliance with missions, so that was impossible, because it wasted the time, and the Imperial Capital Auction was about to begin.

He now had to answer the questions of the Planetary Elixir Pharmacy to acquire the emperor level vitality stone, and buy elixirs.

The Planetary Elixir Pharmacy was the biggest elixir pharmacy in Imperial Capital. It had many alchemists, some king level, some emperor level, and some supreme level alchemists who were very busy, and didn’t have much time to help emperor level alchemists.

Some emperor level alchemists would write their problems on the Planetary Elixir Pharmacy, and if an alchemist helped them solve it, him or her would be awarded either one to twenty emperor level vitality stones.

Qingfeng let Lord Red-Swallow lead him towards the emperor level alchemist questions section.

All those inside the Elixir Pharmacy discussed passionately when they saw Qingfeng approach the question section.

“Who is that guy? He is going to the question section. Does he understand alchemy?”

“He is Qingfeng, and is very popular in the Imperial Capital recently. He has even defeated the prince’s guards.”

“I know that Qingfeng is powerful, but elixirs aren’t techniques, could he really understand it?”

Everyone around looked at Qingfeng with doubt and disbelieve in their eyes.

Qingfeng smiled lightly, and didn’t care about the discussions of those around.

The question section was five or so meters long, with green question plates made of spiritual wood. There were thirty some plates with questions on the front, and the back left blank for answers.

“What a simple question, why would someone ask it?”

Qingfeng saw the question on the first plate of the section, and his eyes filled with confusion.

In the next moment he realized, as he patted his head. He had learned the “Alchemy Arts of Saints” in his mind, so these simple questions couldn’t trick him.

The question on the first plate was very simple, it asked about the ingredients of the Yin-yang elixir, and the correct answer would be awarded five emperor grade vitality stones.

Without any hesitation, Qingfeng wrote on the back; xuanyin grass, hell soil, and black-night branch.

“This guy answered correctly, he really understand alchemy?” A youthful server followed behind Qingfeng, and was shocked to see that he had answered the first question correctly.

The second plate asked, “Why would black spots appear on magma rock pill? Correct answer awarded with ten emperor level vitality stones.”

“Magma rock pill needs lava at least five thousand degrees, along with seven-xuan grass, earth-yang fruit. If the lava temperature doesn’t reach five thousand degrees, then black spots will appear.” Qingfeng easily wrote the answer behind the plate.

Third question, “How could one increase the alchemy success rate? Correct answer awarded twenty emperor level vitality stones.”

“The alchemy brewing times needs to be controlled…” Qingfeng once again easily wrote the correct answer out without any mistakes.

All of a sudden, Qingfeng had answered ten questions, and this progress surprised everyone.

Everyone inside the Planetary Elixir Pharmacy all looked at Qingfeng with shock. No one thought that he could easily answer all of these questions.

It might have been easy to answer the first three questions, but from the fourth question forward, it grew increasingly hard.

However Qingfeng once was an unknown, who has now easily answered ten questions, without any intention of stopping.

Eleven, twelve, thirteen…

Qingfeng solved the questions at a faster and faster pace, in the blink of an eye, he had already answered thirty questions.

Thirty questions earned him five hundred emperor level vitality stones.

In the end, he had shocked the white-haired elder in the back of the Pharmacy.

The white-haired elder walked out, he was a stage nine emperor level alchemist, but there were still questions of his that remained unsolved.

“Little kid, let me ask you a question, if you answer correctly, I’ll give you one Emperor’s Soul elixir,” said the white-haired elder.

Qingfeng nodded and said, “What is it? Ask.”

The white-haired elder asked, “What should I do when the root of the sky-soul grass is broken?”

The sky-soul grass was a very rare and precious herb.

It was a herb that could fix the soul, thus was extremely helpful for the formation of self-cultivators’ soul. Every self-cultivator loved this herb, but sadly this herb only existed in the coldest places, and was extremely rare.

The sky-soul grass also couldn’t see any sunlight, and as soon as it does, its root would shatter and die.

This question had some difficulty. If it were someone else, they definitely wouldn’t be able to answer it, but Qingfeng just happened to know the answer.

Qingfeng once read about how to recover the sky-soul grass’ broken root in the tenth chapter of Alchemy Arts of Saints.

“Three things are needed to recover the broken root of sky-soul grass; yin-soul water, ice-snake blood, and green wood juice to attach the root back on.” Qingfeng said with a light smile.

The white-haired elder grew excited, and it was clear that Qingfeng had answered correctly from his expression.

Dead silence. The entire Planetary Elixir Pharmacy was silent when Qingfeng answered the white-haired elder’s questions.

Everyone opened their mouths in awe as they looked at Qingfeng with shock.

This was a ninth level emperor alchemist’s question, and was answered by Qingfeng! The Planetary Elixir Pharmacy filled with silence, whether it was the young server, or other alchemists, they all looked at Qingfeng with shock.

“Is this guy still human? How could he answer even the ancient elixir furnace emperor’s question?”

“Yeah, he’s too powerful, have you seen? Even the ancient elixir furnace emperor is totally shocked.”

“Does this mean that this guy is even more knowledgeable in elixirs than the ancient elixir furnace emperor?”

Qingfeng only smiled lightly when he heard everyone’s discussion, as he turned to say, “Could you give me the Emperor’s Soul elixir now?”

“Of… of course…” the ancient elixir furnace emperor’s face was filled with shock, and had trouble even tralking.

The ancient elixir furnace emperor passed the emperor’s Soul elixir to Qingfeng. This youth’s demon-like performance had shocked him terribly.

“These are the five hundred emperor level vitality stones you’ve earned today.” The young server handed the emperor level vitality stones to Qingfeng with shock.

The young server was just mocking Qingfeng, but now his face was filled with complexity and regret.

Not only did Ancient Furnace Alchemy Emperor give the Emperor’s Soul elixir to Qingfeng, he also gave Qingfeng a Soul-lifting elixir, because he knew that Qingfeng was very powerful, so he had to establish a good connection.

Then, Ancient Furnace Alchemy Emperor hurried back to his alchemy room, and continued with his alchemy works.

Qingfeng looked at the young server, and with one look he noticed his training problems. With a few words of guidance, the young server was filled with gratitude.

Qingfeng didn’t help this young server for no reason; he wanted to know all about this Elixir Pharmacy.

With a few suggestions, the young server was grateful for the alchemy knowledge, and he told Qingfeng everything he knew about the Planetary Elixir Pharmacy.

From the young server, Qingfeng had a clear picture of the Planetary Elixir Pharmacy, and knew of many things about the Crimson Fire Land alchemy realm.

Qingfeng knew even the most powerful alchemist in Crimson Fire Land was only imperial level, but his Alchemy Arts of Saints was definitely the most powerful. Copyright 2016 - 2024