Qingfeng Li did not know that Xue Lin had become a sect master’s personal disciple. He was holding the dark steel hoe as he headed toward the Spirit Herbs Garden.

The Spirit Herbs Garden was a thousand square meters, there were all kind of spirit herbs inside. There were tier one spirit herbs in front of them, followed by tier two, tier three, and tier four spirit herbs.

Qingfeng Li was now responsible for the tier one spirit herb farm, which were a huge spirit herbs flowers, like growing cotton.

One the left-hand side, there was fiery leaves, which grew about a feet tall. Its coat was blood red, and there was a tender shade of red and a bloodthirsty shade of red that vaguely flowed between the leaves like a halo.

There were not too many fiery leaves, each plant only seven leaves. These seven leaves would eventually fall off until there were three leaves left. This was one of the herbs used to refine a vital essence alchemy pill.

The blue crystal fruits were beside the fiery leaves, and they grew as tall as the fiery leaves, except that the color was blue, and the fruit was a blue fruit.

There was some vague blue light that kept flashing on top of the blue crystal fruit. It was also one of the ingredients used to refine tier one vital essence alchemy pills.

Beside the fiery leaves and blue crystal fruit, there was a deep purple flower, deep purple flowers were a kind of flower that bloomed five petals. Its color was purple and there was purple light flashing above it. After it matured, only one petal will remain. It was also one of the ingredients used to refine the vital essence alchemy pill.

And below the three tier one spirit herbs, there was a ravine. There was a lot of weeds in the ravines, these weeds were called spirit herbs exhausters.

Spirit herb exhausters absorbed the spirit energy of the other spirit herbs, which could cause the spirit herbs to wither due to the lack of nutrients. This would even cause an illness, which might kill it.

What Qingfeng Li had to do now was get rid of these spirit herb exhausters. These spirit herb exhausters were not large, only about 10 cm high. It was a light gray color and there were sharp barbs next to the leaves, making the leaves extremely hard.

Qingfeng Li took the hoe in his hand and used a lot of force to swing downward, but he realized that it did not remove the spirit herb exhauster.

“What’s going on, I already used a lot of strength. Why can’t I get rid of these weeds?” Qingfeng Li frowned as a touch of doubt appeared in his eyes.

“Was it because I did not use vital essence?” Qingfeng Li thought for a moment, then he channeled the vital essence to the hoe, and used a lot of strength to remove the spirit herb exhauster in front of him.

But the next moment, Qingfeng Li’s face changed because the hoe did not remove the spirit herb exhauster.

Black Puppy who followed beside Qingfeng Li had a touch of doubt in its eyes.

Black Puppy circled around the spirit herb exhauster once, then pulled out its dog’s paw and slashed at the spirit herb exhauster, trying to pull it out.

At the next moment, Black Puppy was stunned because it could not remove the spirit herb exhauster either.

The Spirit herb exhauster was like a tough vine, tied tightly in the soil. Despite how hard it tried, it could not pull out the spirit herb exhauster.

Black Puppy whispered, “Qingfeng Li, this spirit herb exhauster is really weird. I already used my demon essence. Even if there were ten million pounds of boulders, it would’ve been pulled out. So how come it couldn’t even pulled out this small weed.”

“Haha, you two are really stupid. You two can’t even remove a simple weed. No wonder you two are just apprentices here. You two are truly useless.” Suddenly a burst of laughter came from behind, laughing unscrupulously.

When Qingfeng Li heard this sarcastic voice, there was a touch of anger on his face. When he turned around, he realized the person who was laughing at him was a fatty.

This fatty was not old at all, at most he was only 20 years old. But he was really fat, with a weight of at least 200 pounds and his height only just over 160 cm. He could be described as an obese youth.

The fatty wore very wide clothes, which were so luxurious that they shone with a bright light. It looked like it was very valuable.

This fatty’s face was very gluttonous. One could tell that he normally ate well with just one glance. Right now, the fatty was carrying two spirit herbs in his hands while he looked towards then.

“Who are you? We are just here cutting weeds. What’s that got to do with you?” Qingfeng Li asked rhetorically, with a trace of ill tone.

Toward those who ridiculed him, Qingfeng Li would not feel good about them and would countered them directly.

The fatty faintly smiled and said, “You really are stupid, can’t you recognize me? Don’t you even know who I am?”

Qingfeng Li smiled coldly and said, “Why should I know who you are?”

Fatty looked at Qingfeng Li with despise, and then said, “I will tell you the truth, I am the grandson of the Third Elder, and also the apprentice of Spirit Herbs Garden. I used to take care of all the chores, but ever since you came, you took away a part of my work. But I guess it was a good thing, I’ll let you take care of the weeds.”

Qingfeng Li suddenly realized it, he finally knew who this fatty in front of him was.

It turned out to be the Third Elder’s grandson that Ming Mu had told him about previously. But Qingfeng Li did not expect the Third Elder’s grandson to actually get so fat from eating, he was like a short chubby log. By looking at his face, one could tell he simply did not take Qingfeng Li seriously.

Qingfeng Li turned around and ignored the fatty as he continued to use the hoe in his hand and swing toward the spirit herb exhauster. But no matter how hard Qingfeng Li swung, he could not remove the weed.

Black Puppy who was on the side also helped Qingfeng Li. It spent a great amount of energy, but still could not remove the weed.

Qingfeng Li and Black Puppy looked at each other and saw the doubts in each other’s eyes. Originally, they thought they had received a pleasant job from the Mu Family to work here, but now it would be really shameful to say that they could not even remove a single weed.

At this moment, this fatty kept laughing at Qingfeng Li and Black Puppy, clapping his two huge fat hands together. His eyes were full of ridicule, and he had no intention to help them out.

“What’s going on Qingfeng Li? Didn’t we tell you to remove the weeds? Why didn’t you remove a single weed after all this time?” Ming Mu suddenly came over and shouted loudly.

Ming Mu’s voice was very cold, treating Qingfeng Li like a servant, as he kept scolding him right to his face.

Qingfeng Li was very dissatisfied. What the hell was that fatty? How dare the fatty tell on him. Qingfeng Li really wanted to beat him with the hoe, but when he thought about his strength and the fatty’s, he realized that he could only endure it for now.

However, Qingfeng Li was also in very bad mood because he did not remove even one weed. And, getting scolded by the Ming Mu could only be considered his misfortune.

“Manager Ming Mu, I don’t know why this hoe cannot remove these weeds. Why don’t you give it a try?” Qingfeng Li asked Ming Mu.

Ming Mu frowned and said, “I am the manager here. Why would I do something like removing weeds. This work is your responsibility, if you can’t do it then let the fatty try it once.”

When the fatty heard what Ming Mu said, he wobbled as he ran over. He volunteered to help remove the weed, so he could show Qingfeng Li what he was made of.

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