Qingfeng Li focused his eyes and looked forward to discover that it was actually a huge rat demon.

That rat demon was very large, being a full hundred feet in size and its whole body yellow like the color of sand. Its head was very angular, and its two eyes were also very small, continuing to spin around.

But those little eyes were filled with bloodthirst, ruthlessness, and coldness. Its grim claws fiercely slashed onto the ground, creating many big holes.

Qingfeng Li’s eyes looked forward, staring carefully at the battle between the Crimson Fire Viper King and the Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King.

Qingfeng Li knew that the Crimson Fire Viper King was on his side and the Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King was his enemy, so they could only continue to move on after they have defeated the Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King.

Li Yang’s delicate face frowned, and she asked in a whispering voice, “Elder Brother Li, do you think that the Crimson Fire Viper King can beat the Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King?”

Li Yang’s strength was in the heavenly spirit realm, so even though her strength was higher than Qingfeng Li’s, Qingfeng Li was able to overcome a king level Demonic beast and save her life, so she called Qingfeng Li elder brother.

Qingfeng Li did not say anything. Black Puppy next to him twitched its nose and said, “Li Yang, you have to believe in Qingfeng Li. If he said the Crimson Fire Viper King will be able to defeat the Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King, then the Crimson Fire Viper King will surely be able to defeat it.”

At this moment, the beautiful girl was being supported by Li Yang. Her body was very weak, but her eyes were constantly moving, showing a trace of spirituality.

The girl looked at Qingfeng Li and the others, her eyes full of doubts. She was confident that she had never seen these people before and she did not know any of them. That meant these people did not belong to the wilderness of wild beasts.

The Crimson Fire Viper King and the Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King fought extremely fiercely. Both of them were king level Demonic beasts, one was the king of vipers, the other one was the king of yellow sand demonic rats.

Snake demonic beasts and rat demonic beasts were born enemies since snakes liked to eat rats. They were its natural predator, so they usually fought when they met, especially now that they were enemies.

The Crimson Fire Viper King opened its mouth and directly spat out a red blob of venom. The venom was intensely corrosive and corroded the air with a large crackling noise.

The speed of the blob of venom was extremely fast, fiercely shooting at the Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King ahead.

Naturally, the Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King was aware of how strong that red venom was. Its body turned into a whirlwind, flying straight into the air to avoid the red venom.

The red venom did not hit Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King, but it shot onto the yellow sand below, which made sand melt directly, turning into a pool of red liquid.

When Li Yang saw this scene, her face changed. Now she knew the power of the Crimson Fire Viper King. Before that, she thought it was just a viper beside Qingfeng Li, she did not expect the venom to be this strong.

It was not surprising to Qingfeng Li at all however. The Crimson Fire Viper King in front of them was the Viper King, so naturally it was extraordinary. Otherwise, it would not be able to dominate the wilderness of wild beasts.

The Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King opened its mouth in the air, then uttered a croaking scream, which formed a sonic attack in the shape of a rat.

That sonic rat rushed directly to the Crimson Fire Viper King’s soul, causing it to utter a scream to form a sonic attack to fight with the sonic rat.

However, the Sonic Viper that was released by Crimson Fire Viper King was obviously not the opponent of the yellow sand rat. It was shredded by the sonic rat in a moment, turning into fragments.

In the next moment, the sonic rat plunged directly for the mind-space of the Crimson Fire Viper King, making it scream and knocking its body backwards. The Crimson Fire Viper King opened its mouth to spit blood; its spirit energy was hit heavily.

If they fought physically, the Crimson Fire Viper King would definitely able to defeat the Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King, but in terms of sonic spiritual attack, the Crimson Fire Viper King would not be the opponent of the Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King.

Rat demonic beasts were naturally born with the ability to perform sonic attacks, so their sonic attacks were extremely powerful.

Qingfeng Li slightly frowned and carefully looked at the Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King’s sonic rat because he realized that the sonic rat was also generated with talisman scriptures. But it was only a sonic talisman scripture constructed by spirit energy.

Qingfeng Li was looking for the flaw in this talisman scripture, his previous spirit energy reached to emperor level class nine which almost broke to supreme level spirit energy.

And now the Yellow Sand King Devil Rat King was only a king level demonic beast, which used spirit energy that was only at the king level. The formation of the sonic talisman scripture was only king level talisman scripture, so naturally it was easy for Qingfeng Li to see its flaws.

Qingfeng Li said to the Crimson Fire Viper King with a voice transmission, “Crimson Fire Viper King, the weakness of Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King sonic rat lies in its tail. If you only attack its tail, then you will beat it.”

Hearing Qingfeng Li’s voice transmission, there was not only a touch of confusion in the eyes of Crimson Fire Viper King, but also with a trace of doubt.

After all, the strength of Qingfeng Li was only in true spirit realm, the Yellow Sand Demon rat was actually a king level demonic beast. How could he see the flaws of king level demonic beast sonic talisman scripture?

Qingfeng Li naturally saw the doubts in the eyes of Crimson Fire Viper King and continued a voice transmission saying, “Crimson Fire Viper King, if you do not believe me, you will only be killed by the Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King. I already told you the solution, it’s up to you whether to believe me or not.”

When the Crimson Fire Viper King saw the firm and confident look on Qingfeng Li, it decided to believe him this time. Qingfeng Li still had the dragon blood suppressive aura after all, which made the Crimson Fire Viper King surrender. He believed that Qingfeng Li certainly had his own strategy.

The Crimson Fire Viper King ran spirit energy in his mind-space, forming a sonic viper that bit fiercely against the sound rat’s tail.

The sonic rat screamed horribly. When the Crimson Fire Viper King saw its attack was effective, there was a touch of joy in its heart.

It knew that Qingfeng Li did not lie to it, so it kept channeling spirit energy in the mind-space and biting against the Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King’s tail. In a short while, it ripped apart the sonic rat’s tail.

When the tail was bitten off, the sonic rat was like a tiger without its paw, like a headless fly spinning in the air which could not find the target.


The Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King opened its mouth and spit blood. Its spirit energy was hit hard.

“Crimson Fire Viper King, how did you know the weakness in my sonic talisman scripture?” The Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King looked at the Crimson Fire Viper King, its tiny eyes looked puzzled and filled with confusion.

The Crimson Fire Viper King laughed as it definitely wouldn’t tell Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King why it knew the weakness in the sonic talisman scripture.

The Crimson Fire Viper King continue to wave its tail, forming a huge tail, which continuously struck against the Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King.

With the help of Qingfeng Li, the Crimson Fire Viper King had the absolute advantage in either the body attack or the sonic talisman scripture attack, which allowed him to keep knocking Yellow Sand Demonic Rat King backwards.

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