Chapter 1097: The Seal on the Mountain

Translator: Noodletown Translated Editor: Noodletown Translated

Hearing Qingfeng's words, Puotian Shou's face changed, his eyes flashing with a cold light.

Puotian Shou coldly smiled, and said in a cold voice, "You dare to make fun of me? Get back here, kneel down, and apologize to me."

Qingfeng Li stood motionless, faintly saying, "Apologize to you? You are not qualified."

Puotian Shou's face became gloomy. He took a step forward, radiating a sharp aura. He was ready to teach Qingfeng Li a lesson.

As the young lord of the Beast King Sect, and also a powerful half-step Spirit King realm master, no one dared to make fun of Puotian Shou. Qingfeng Li was the first.

"Puotian Shou, what do you want to do? Qingfeng Li is from our Special Security Bureau," said Fengwu Cao, who was standing in front of Qingfeng Li with a slight frown on her delicate face.

Qingfeng Li was brought in by Fengwu Cao, so she had to protect him, not wanting to let him get hurt.

Looking at this scene, Puotian Shou scowled. Even though he seemed he afraid of nothing, there were two people he was most fearful of. One was his own father, and the other was his most loved, Fengwu Cao.


Violent noises rang out from the mountaintop. Then, a golden light rose to the sky and lit up the whole sky.

All the people's faces turned quickly. They were no longer concerned about the fight between Qingfeng Li and Puotian Shou, as they all looked at the mountain.

The mountain was changing, and it looked like the other layer of the mountain was falling off. The rock was crumbling, and the green mountainous inside was exposed.

The mountain glowed with a green light, as some spirit fruits and caves began revealing themselves.

Everyone was so excited that they ran up the hill and tried to pick the spirit fruits.

The Sword King Sect first ran up but, as soon as they came up, a pale green halo appeared from the green mountain, forcing them back in the direction they came from. Some of the disciples were pale and were even wounded.

The disciples from the other sects also rushed up the hill but they were also bounced back by the same green halo.

That pale green halo contained a magical force, and no one was able to make it to the top.

Qingfeng Li frowning and said, "This is the Mountain Protection Array. Unless we break it, we cannot go up the mountain."

"How do you know this is the Mountain Protection Array?" Fengwu Cao said with her red lips curved up and doubt appearing in her bright eyes.

Qingfeng Li frowned his brows and said, "I had studied the art of arrays before so I know that this was the Saint level Mountain Protection Array. It's just that, after the ancient saint died, this formation was presided over by no one, so the mountain revealed itself gradually."

Fengwu Cao nodded her head, suddenly realizing what was going on before her eyes.

As the head of the special security bureau, Fengwu Cao naturally knew about the presence of ancient saints, including the existence of saint-level arrays. She knew that Qingfeng Li was right; it would be tough for her and the others to get up there.

In another direction, the sect masters from the Sword King Sect, the Beast King Sect, the Ice King Sect, and the Talisman King Sect were gathered together to discuss finding a way in.

The sect masters of the four king level self-cultivation sects decided to attack together and were able to finally tear a hole in the array protecting the mountain.

Of course, it was a tiny hole, and only one person could pass at a time.

The people from four sects went in first, followed by Qingfeng Li, Fengwu Cao, and the others.

Although the protection array had a hole torn open in it and all the people got in, just a few steps out, a disciple of Beast King Sect was sent flying out because he wanted to pick a spirit fruit.

"Everyone, don't move recklessly. All the spirit fruits and treasures here are protected by the seal. If we want to get the treasure, we must break the sealing spell," said the sect master of the Sword King Sect, Lingwang Zhao, to the crowd.

The people around him listened to the words of Lingwang Zhao and tried to break the sealing spell by attacking it. However, these sealing spells could retaliate automatically and bounced all their attacks back.

Some of the sealing spells even blew up, causing some of the disciples to be seriously injured.

Seeing how powerful the sealing spell was, everyone was too scared to attack it because of the damage it caused.

Qingfeng Li, unlike them, never made a move, because the spiritual fruit behind the sealing spell was not much use to him. What he needed was the legendary treasure.

The four Spirit King realm sect masters led the crowd, which made going uphill a little smoother.

But the further up they went, the more pressure they felt from the array, and a lot of people could not advance anymore.

Only the four Spirit King Realm sect masters were able to reach a kilometer up the slope before not being able to move any further, too.

After traveling for one kilometer up the mountain, they were halfway to the peak. There was a long sword stuck in the ground, which was golden colored.

The golden sword was three fingers wide and three feet long. Radiating a dazzling, brilliant light, it was so bright that people could not open their eyes.

"The Golden Light Sword … it was actually a King-level spiritual device, the Golden Light Sword," said Lingwang Zhao with excitement, his eyes full of joy.

The golden light sword was a spiritual device famous during the ancient era, and it was so powerful that everyone wanted to have it.

"Little boy, the Golden Light Sword is strong, but you don't have to seize it. There is a black futon five hundred meters in the mountain. That thes a real treasure. It's called a Spiritual Futon, and it can enhance your spiritual power," the faint voice of the Fire Dragon sounded in the mind of Qingfeng Li.

Listening to the Fire Dragon, Qingfeng's eyes lit up.

His physical strength was now very strong, but his spiritual strength was still feeble, so the most important thing right now is to focus on that.

This spiritual futon would be a great use to him, so Qingfeng Li liked it very much

Qingfeng Li was now with the four sects' disciples at the five hundred meter mark up the mountain. They were too far away from the Golden Light Sword so they couldn't fight for it, even if they wanted to.

At about a thousand meters up on the mountain, the four sect masters channeled their vital essence and fought for the Golden Light Sword with their full strengths. On the other hand, Qingfeng Li was still unmoved, not involving himself in the fight at all.

Qingfeng Li stood five hundred meters up on the mountain, looking at the battle of the four sect masters with a calm face.

Fengwu Cao opened her mouth several times, wanted to get Qingfeng Li to fight. But he refused.

Qingfeng Li knew that he was not the opponent of the four Spirit King Realm sect masters, and it was not necessary to make enemies for a Golden Light Sword.

Fengwu Cao helplessly shook the head. The most powerful person on her team was Qingfeng Li. If Qingfeng Li did nothing, she also had no way to deal with.

With the help of the Fire Dragon, Qingfeng Li found a black futon in a cave about 500 meters up on the mountain.

The black futon was dark and lifeless, and no one noticed it.

It was protected by spells and emitted a dim black light

Qingfeng came to the futon, broke the spells, and grabbed it with his hands. However, this spiritual futon could not be put into the interspatial ring.

When Qingfeng Li walked out of the cave with a spiritual futon in his hand, he was stopped by Puotian Shou from the Beast King Sect.

Puotian Shou looked at Qingfeng Li coldly, and said, "Hand over the futon."

Qingfeng Li sneered in response, "I don't know what you're talking about."

There was a touch of exasperation in Puotian Shou's eye and he disdainfully said, "The Dragon-Tiger Mountain was the ancestral palace of Daoism. It is full of treasures as even a blade of grass could be spiritual grass, not to mention a futon."

After hearing what Puotian Shou said, Doudi Fu who was standing beside him also changed his focus to Qingfeng Li.

After the reminder from Puotian Shou, he also felt that the black futon was a treasure, so it must not fall into the hands of Qingfeng Li. Copyright 2016 - 2024