"You can say that again!" Rheia exclaimed and looped her arm through Anne's.

They inspected the area together, making sure that everyone who needed treatment had received it.


Kendrick sat on the front porch steps and watched as people milled around him. The battle had been surprisingly short. When the reapers realized they weren't going to get what they wanted, they turned on the hostages, wounding many and killing five before the warriors were able to get between them and their attackers. At the end of the skirmish, Kendrick ended up with more necklaces for testing.

This is what Keelan had been doing for two hundred years? How did he do it? Feeling useless, Kendrick stood and decided he had to find a way to help. He had more magic than he knew what to do with; surely he could accomplish something useful.

He was walking around trying to find Anne when he spotted Amelia. She stood in the middle of the training yard, a blank look on her face. He hurried over to her, grabbing a blanket from a nearby pile on his way. He wrapped her up and held her close.

"Shush, it's going to be okay Amelia." She began shaking under the blanket.

Looking around, he caught Darian's eye and nodded to Amelia. Darian almost plowed people over in an effort to get to her side.

"What's wrong with her?" he asked.

"Let's get her inside and away from these people. Then I want to look at her magic." Darian swept Amelia up in his arms.

Kendrick looked around and spotted Meryn. She was scowling fiercely at everyone, breathing heavily, and snapping at anyone who got close enough. He ran over and scooped her up. "You're coming, too."

"What gives? Put me down!" Meryn screeched.

Aiden's head whipped around at the sound of Meryn's yells. He charged over. "Kendrick, you wanna tell me why I shouldn't kill you?"

Kendrick jerked his head toward the door. "Inside."

Kendrick didn't wait for Aiden. He hurried toward the house where Ryuu met them at the door, a relieved look on his face. "Thank the Gods, I was about to come find her. How did you know, Heika?"

Kendrick kept walking. "I had a feeling she'd be upset." Ryuu and Aiden followed him until they were in Aiden's office. It was the quietest room downstairs and where Darian had chosen to go with Amelia.

Kendrick set Meryn down next to Amelia. He reached out with both hands, grasping Meryn with his left and Amelia with his right. Gently, he sent his magic through them, searching. As he had suspected, Meryn had a touch of magic. He carefully corralled their magic and secured it behind the mental doors he created. It was easy for Amelia, she had been raised thinking this way and he had done this with her once before, but Meryn's magic was completely wild. He took his time and coaxed it behind the thick door before closing it for her.

He sat back on his heels. "Well, I know where you got your empathy from Amelia."

Amelia shook her head as if trying to clear it. "Wait, what?"

Aiden collapsed into a chair. "What?"

Kendrick moved so that he could lean his back against the coffee table. These two would be the death of him. Getting their empathy under control was exhausting.

"Is everything okay in here? We saw you carry Meryn and Amelia in and we were worried," a soft voice asked.

Kendrick looked up and smiled. Anne, Rheia, Elizabeth, and the rest of the Alpha Unit were walking through the door.

"Evidently, denka has magic," Ryuu replied.

"No, I don't. I would know if I had magic," Meryn protested.

Kendrick raised an eyebrow at the stubborn female.

"I don't!"

"Meryn, I was told that you didn't have it easy growing up, is that correct?"

Meryn quieted immediately.

Kendrick kept going. "You have magic, but it's a very small amount, just enough to be bothersome. You have empathy, the same gift as your cousin."

"No, she doesn't." The sentiment was echoed throughout the room.

Kendrick shook his head at their denials and continued to look at Meryn. "It's just enough so that you would know someone's true feelings, just enough so that you would know when they were lying. Amelia was raised in a warm and loving home, where people said what they felt, didn't lie, and were very kind." Kendrick gently held Meryn's hands. "Now, this is just a guess, but I bet that wasn't true for you."

Meryn shook her head.

Kendrick continued. "I bet the people you grew up around were petty and hurtful."

Meryn nodded silently.

Kendrick looked around the room. "If you have the gift of empathy and were raised in such an environment, what do you think would happen?"

Amelia hugged Meryn close. "She would turn away from people and keep to herself, because if she's alone, she can't be hurt."

Aiden got up and sat beside Meryn. He pulled her into his lap and rubbed his chin on the top of her head. "My poor baby."

Meryn settled in against her mate. "It wasn't all bad, and it brought me to you." She tilted her head back, and he placed kisses all over her face.

"It could also explain why she can see sprites," Gavriel theorized.

There was a knock at the door and then it swung open. A blond man Kendrick hadn't met walked in. "Aiden, we have just about everyone sorted. The units are escorting the people into the city and your committee members just left."

Aiden sighed. "Thanks Ben, I had forgotten about them." He turned to Kendrick. "Will there really be an article about Meryn in the paper?"

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