It was a bad summer for crops on their homeland so the Bears moved to the city so Mr. Bear could get a better job. He had applied at twenty or so companies where he recieved sorry we aren't hiring at this minute. They kept his application but he knew it was put on the bottom of the pile. It was a law that companies couldn't place them in file thirteen for two years unless the person who made out the application gave them their permission

​He finally found a job at the steel factory. He was in charge of melting different metals in the open hearth furnace. The heat was unbearable in the winter and deadly in the summer for people who had breathing problems. Adahy Bear was no different than other men. He had a wife and six children to feed and put a roof over their heads He wood rather be back in his home ground of the Indian reservation. His name Adahy means lives in the woods His name is pronouce in three syables Ad-a-hy. When every job close to their home on the reservation closed down he had no choice but to move his family.

The rent was extremely high. They could only afford a small two bedroom apartment on the top floor of a six floor apartment house. In their apartment was a hallway in between the bedrooms and the one bathroom. In the hallway was a door to a partial attic and also led to the roof. Since it was smaller than either of the bedrooms Leoti made it into Angeni's bedroom There was a little alcove off of the small livingroom where she put Ninovan's crib in Copyright 2016 - 2025