Baldwin looked at the paintingin the bank exrcutive hands and was looking at certain markings and the paint and asked Alexis if she had any more Picasso paintings. She showed him the other two paintings. After inspecting then taking his time to really inspect them . He walked over to Mr. Ravins and asked him do you know how much just these three Picassos are worth.

The bank excutive looked at him and asked are they really orginials. Baldwin informed him if she donated them to a museum she could get a tax write off for a half a million. Mr. Ravins turned to Alexis and offered to sell the paintings to art collectors and erase the debt on the business and put the rest into a credit line for the business. Alexis looked at both of them and asked does that mean I keep the house and business and Mr. Ravins said said yes young lady you have your home and business. Mr. Ravins left with three Picassos to sell and Alexis smiled and out loud said thanks Margo you might have ran the business down to the ground but you left the diamonds for me. Copyright 2016 - 2025