Tom stood nervously at the entrance of his home, politely greeting the first guests to arrive that evening. In the background, his daughter Jane could be heard playing the pianoforte. Thankfully, the thoughtful guidance of her mother had made her into quite a musician. Tom's aunt and cousin Alice could be seen mingling amongst the many guests, enjoying a brandy or two. His hands had begun to sweat a bit, most likely in anticipation of Ms. Austen's arrival. Tom's eyes darted nervously over the heads of incoming guests. "Hello sir, how lovely to see you." He greeted Sir Harold Francisse, hardly aware of what the man was saying. And then in strode Lady LeCour, looking quite dazzling but just as obnoxious. "Oh Mr. Lefroy! What a spectacular home! You must employ a great number of servants." He nodded, and trying to say as little as possible he replied, "Thank you for attending madam." He prayed silently that she would not ask him for a dance. Perhaps she would find a gentleman that evening, in which to sink her claws.

Tom's aunt approached. "Thomas, I do believe all of our guests have arrived, dear." She saw the sullen look upon his face. "Don't worry, perhaps Ms. Austen and her siblings are running a little behind."

Behind, indeed. Jane hurried her way up the walk, Henry and Cassandra not far behind. Unfortunately, Henry's wife Martha was not able to attend per her doctor's request. She had been sad to miss the event, but was feeling a bit tired, and asked that Henry say hello to Mr. Lefroy. "Oh dear! I am afraid we are so late!" Jane was almost running now, Henry and Cassandra had always been slower than she, even as children.

As she approached the Lefroy estate, Jane slowed a bit, becoming nervous. She turned to find her brother and sister had caught up. "Go now Jane." Henry urged, shaking his head with amusement. She approached the door with the same hesitance. It opened suddenly, taking her by surprise. "Oh Ms. Austen, I was just about to get some air. It's getting rather stuffy in there." He remarked, smiling. It was Tom. Jane curtsied. "Mr. Lefroy, it is indeed a pleasure. I thank you so much for your kind invitation." "Shall we? " he motioned toward the door. Tom nodded politely to Henry and Cassandra. "Thank you, my friends for attending."

As they entered the ballroom, Jane was immediately greeted by Tom's aunt and cousin. "Ms. Austen, Alice and I are so happy to see you once again." She nodded politely. Tom took Jane's hand in his gently. "Shall we have a turn about the room?" she smiled. Copyright 2016 - 2024