"Thomas! You are drenched from head to toe! " his aunt quickly ushered him into the house, first peeking from the doorway to make certain that no one had seen her seemingly insane nephew. "Oh aunt, for the very first time in my life, I am free to do as I choose without consequence. It's as though a weight has been lifted, and I couldn't be happier." He might have sounded a bit insane.

"What are you speaking of, Thomas? And why on earth are you wet? "his aunt demanded. His cousin Alice giggled from her seat in a nearby corner. "I'm not sure what to make of it." Tom started. "I have just been overcome by such a feeling of joy, and I should think that it's long overdue." His aunt gave him a sly look. "Dare I say that this sudden feeling might have something to do with a certain Ms. Austen?" "You know," she continued. "A letter came for you today. I think it might be in response to an invite you may have sent personally." She smiled her wicked, meddling smile. "Where is it, aunt? I must open it at once." Tom replied hurriedly. "Alice dear, be a darling and go fetch Thomas‟ letter from the table. And while she is doing that, you my dear need some dry clothes." She shook her head. He hadn't changed a bit with age. Always getting into trouble somehow. She had always blamed it on the upbringing by his mother. Thankfully, Thomas‟ uncle had stepped in to raise the boy lot of good that had done.

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