He would never have anywhere in particular, just liked to walk in the fresh, cool night air. The night air always had a way of making one feel refreshed, and renewed. After awhile his nightly walks had become habit, and he would stop now and then and sit on a park bench and gaze at the twinkling stars above. He often wondered on these nights what Jane might be doing at that very same moment.

"Father! Where are you?" the voice of his daughter broke him from his thoughts. "I'm here darling. Upstairs." He was so grateful to have another person in the house at that particular moment. His daughter, all of twelve years came bursting through the door, immediately running to wrap her arms around him.

"Oh daddy, I've missed you so!" He smiled the smile only she could put upon his face. "Hello, my dear Jane."

From the moment of her birth, Tom knew her name would be Jane. And to his astonishment, his wife had allowed it, for she knew not of the deep connection he had had with Ms. Austen. She knew only that they were great friends once, and simply loved that her daughter would be named for an authoress such as Ms. Austen. For Tom, it meant that he would forever have something to hold onto, if not her.

"And what of your trip darling? I trust that your aunt treated you decently." "Oh it was splendid daddy! I had a wonderful time with aunt and my dear cousins." She exclaimed, excitedly. "Ireland is so beautiful a place! Much more agreeable than London I should think. There were nothing but rolling green hills, and the most beautiful waters you shall ever see. " Tom lowered his eyes. "And how are you feeling, my love? A bit better since your mum's passing? I know how hard it must be on you. " Jane's mood faltered slightly. "I'm feeling much better daddy, really. I do miss her so, but I know she is watching me everyday." She ended on a triumphant note. Changing the subject, she added, "Might we go on a walk tomorrow? Perhaps to feed the new ducklings in the pond?" "Of course my dear, now off to bed you go. Your trip was a long one, and you must be so tired." He stated. It was he himself who was tired. "Night, daddy." She rubbed her eyes. "Goodnight, Jane." As he said this, he was not only speaking of his daughter.

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