Why you have just missed my cousin Thomas. He has just departed for London not two minutes ago. " Her heart sank to the floor. Not wanting the women to see her disappointment, Jane quickly spoke. "Really? I wasn't aware that he would be departing so soon." "Actually ladies, the reason for my visit..." They both chimed in at once. "His wife has just passed, you know." "What a terrible loss, very sad." His aunt shook her head.

"Yes, well I......... " Jane started. "You know dear, he had mentioned seeing you briefly. He was ever so delighted to find you still in Hampshire after all of these years." The aunt gave a brief stare in Jane's direction. "I was indeed very happy to see him as well. You know....." She was again interrupted. " Jane dear, would you care for some tea? Alice darling, kindly get Ms. Austen some tea. " "Yes mum. "Alice curtsied quickly and vanished to fetch the tea. "Jane." Tom's aunt started slowly. "I do know how amiable you and my nephew had been that summer long ago. Do you think perhaps the pair of you might have held onto those feelings all of this time?" Jane smiled. "Well ma'am, I dare say that it has been many years and I do not know that Mr. Lefroy holds such affection for me any longer." "Why of course he does my dear! The poor child, he has never been one for such outward displays of affection. I know it deep in MY heart, Jane. That boy has never been right since he last saw you. " She bowed her head.

"I'm afraid he was under much pressure from his bastardly uncle you see. He didn't have much choice in the matter. But I do know that he loved you so."

She smiled at the mere thought of her nephew, love sick as he was. "I must say ma'am ", Jane started. "It was I who left Tom. For I knew that his family would one day pay the price of our happiness." A sad look came over Jane's face. His aunt gently patted her hand. "Oh Jane dear, you musn't worry so about the past. For it is the future that is upon us. " Tom's aunt stood. "Oh wonderful. The tea."After drinking her tea quickly, Jane said her goodbyes and headed for the door. Alice's voice followed her. "Ms. Austen, it was indeed a pleasure to have seen you. Please do stop again." "Of course madam." Jane curtsied, and exited the Lefroy home. While still sipping her tea, Tom's aunt would devise a plan. "Alice, come quickly dear.

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