I stay because the job pays good and it also helps in paying for my tuition, studying to be a psychiatrist takes determination and also puts a strain on your pockets so that means putting up with all the bullshit at work.

Its now 9:00 a.m in busy Manhattan the store doorway is bursting with diverse colors as the crowrds start to pour in, and my work load now begins; so im tucked under my mahogany varnised desk with my monitor stairing back at me as i give life to the dormant object.

The tiny antique bird shaped clock on the office wall strikes 12:00 p.m and my stomach is rumbling up a storm so i grab my white kncok off Juicy catour hand bag straighten my silky turtle neck dress which i had bought from a thift store near my house and off i was to meet with the girls for lunch.

Arriving some 7 minutes later at the very upscale very pricey Nes Fuagh restaurant i soon gain sight of my best friend Meeca. We've been friends from since the 3rd grade and now at 25 were still together. She stands 5ft 6in, lime green eyes, thick pink lips and velvet freckled cheeks; with short blonde hair falling right at the shoulder blending neatly with her soft caramel skin which with an ass like hers she can charm a guy out of his socks with just one sweep.

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