Luigi Amedeo's time had come, he knew. No more would he suffer under the stigma of his father's mistakes. No more would he be made to live outside his birthright. He glanced at Vanessa White and smiled, his thoughts skipping back to that fateful trip several months before, when concerns wore worried rings in his mind.

So much to worry about, so much to concern him…he had been hardly aware of his seating companion on his return plane trip from New York. He had spread a series of folders and pamphlets on the drop-down table before him, and frowned.

"Is that Turkey?" his companion asked, pointing at the folder in front of him.

"Yes. Do you know of it?" he replied.

"Ah, and Turkomenia…do I see Afghanistan, as well? Are you planning a trip, sir?" she asked, her smile sweet and interested.

Luigi Amedeo folded his paperwork and replaced it in his briefcase. "Yes. I'm a travel agent. I own a company called 'Vacations with a Difference.' Each of my trips is designed to entertain and surprise my guests, leaving them always anxious to come back for more. This is my most recent endeavor." He smiled at her, intrigued. "Are you familiar with the countries? I'm more than slightly concerned, due to the political situation and the religious environment." It was a relief to discuss his concerns, especially with someone he doubted he would ever see again.

The woman nodded. "Oh, yes, I'm very familiar with the countries and their politics." Her mouth pouted in an attractive manner, then twisted as if she tasted something somewhat sour. "My late husband served as a diplomatic attaché in several Islamic countries. If you would like, I could suggest stops at various local attractions. I would be happy to send names and precise locations to you, after I return home." She smiled with slow elegance. "Of course, I would need to know your name and address."

"I'm so very sorry," he said, taking her hand in both of his. "I am Luigi Amedeo, Count of Monteturro." He kissed the back of her hand.

Surprised, Vanessa gushed like a school girl. "But how marvelous! How very interesting! My name is Vanessa White. I assure you, I would be delighted to help with planning your tour in any way I can." She paused. "But please…tell me about your family, Count. I'm fascinated."

"Ah, it is a long and boring tale, better told before a roaring fire with snifters of brandy at hand." His smile invited. "But tell me of you. You are a widow, you said?" Copyright 2016 - 2024