
"But of course," he replied, filling her plate with lobster and rice, the aroma intense. "I've decided to take you up on your offer. You know. The experiment. I've decided to become your next experiment." His smile flashed at her, a brilliant grin.

Once more, Tanya felt the blush start at the base of her stomach and travel up to her cheeks. She felt her face flame hot and red. She grabbed her napkin and pressed it to her mouth, ducking her head.

"And, of course, since I am such an old guy, I really do need to make the occasion as romantic as I can. You see, I simply cannot just jump into bed and get on with it. You don't mind, do you?" Again, his fingers touch her head, then traveled down to stroke a blazing cheek.

"Oh…uh…no. No, of course I don't mind," she said, her voice hoarse. Her mind whirled. What would he expect from her? She wasn't a virgin, but she certainly wasn't as experienced as she had implied. And suddenly her stomach felt as if it had been filled with ice. How could she go through with this?

She started to rise from the table, then looked into his eyes. They sparkled. His mouth set in a grin, he seemed to find it all just too amusing.

"I hope you aren't backing out," he said. "After all, I've been thinking of your proposal even during my trip. I'll be very disappointed, Tanya, if you decide I'm not a worthy subject for your next experiment."

"Oh, no. No. I haven't changed my mind." She settled in her seat once more, determined to see it through and lifted a forkful of lobster to her mouth. It tasted like dust and ashes, with no more flavor than a piece of cardboard. She swallowed around the huge lump in her throat and smiled.

Kevin nodded, and continued to chatter in a calm, easy manner. He discussed her paintings, his trip, the flowers…all manner of subjects except the one which pounded in her mind. Somehow, she managed to answer questions with a certain amount of sense, though she couldn't remember either questions or answers. Somehow, she managed to eat enough of the fine luncheon in order not to insult Marta. Her mind whirled.

During coffee, Kevin suggested a swim. "The water's heated, you know. Warm, soothing. The air's a bit cool, but it will be bracing after a swim. What do you think?"

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