"Okay, fine, Malcolm."

"How are you all doing there? No problems?"

"Marvelous," Tanya shouted into the microphone.

Charles paused and glanced at her. "Good. Everything is quiet." He frowned slightly.

"Great," Malcolm said. "Now, just a few more things. You need a separate line for a fax. How long do you think that might take?"

"It takes ages to get a phone line in here, Malcolm, you know that. Maybe by next month."

"And another car. You have just the one, right?"

"Yes," Charles replied, looking out the window at the car parked outside. "A Fiat 1445, equipped with a cellular phone."

"You need a second car, just as a backup. A used car will do."

"Fine. Anything else?"

"Yes. Tanya, are you still there?"

Charles handed her the receiver, but stood close by.

"Do you have only one lawyer?" Malcolm asked.

"Yes, Leslie…uh…I forget his last name. Leslie something." She frowned in concentration.

"Leslie Hadson?"

"Yes, that's right. Why?"

"And he has your will? The beneficiary is unchanged? It's still the same charitable organization? Nothing important, just regular checking."

"Yes. I haven't touched it since I wrote my will a couple of years ago."

"That will do it, then," Malcolm said. "I'm pleased things are peaceful for you. Looks like this was a good idea."

Again, Charles glanced at Tanya, then shrugged. "Can you tell us why they picked up this guy, Crowford, or is that top secret?"

Malcolm paused. "It is confidential, but I can tell you why. He was speeding, wouldn't stop. He gave them quite a chase. Anything else?"

"No, guess not," Tanya said, looking into Charles' eyes. "All is well."

"Take care, then. Talk to you soon."

Edda's wonderful cooking couldn't distract from the tension around the dining room table. Tanya felt Charles and Edda's disapproval like a wall erected between them. She sat silently and ate.

"Mr. Matwin was here this morning," Edda said. "He waited for you for about an hour." She glanced up at Tanya, then returned her attention to her meal.

Pretending disinterest, Tanya carefully selected a choice bit of lettuce from her salad. "Oh?" she said. "Did he say what he wanted?" She felt a flush begin, touching her cheeks with warmth.

"He wanted to see you," Edda said. Charles watched the conversation, glancing first to Edda and then to Tanya.

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