Malcolm rode on the rising wave. "Promise?"

"Yes, I said so, and I do. Promise. I'll go back today and return here next week."

"That will be too late," he said, pushing his luck. Tanya could be dead in a week, and she was very dear to him. "Two days," he said with authority.

Tanya drew a deep breath and let it out in a sob. "All right. Two days."

"And you don't think of dying. There are people who love you, besides Kevin, and need to have you around."

Tanya smiled, reached for his hand and tapped on it. "I know. It's just that Kevin is so important to me. I can't imagine going through life without him."

Malcolm nodded. "I understand." He took the folder and placed it in front of him. "While you're gone, I'll go through this material once more-just in case."

Malcolm's secretary announced Mr. di Monteturro. "Yes, let him in," Malcolm said. The door opened and Luigi Amedeo entered, soberly elegant in his grey linen suit. He moved swiftly toward Tanya.

"Oh, Tanya… As I said in my note, you can't imagine how dreadfully sorry I am about Kevin's accident," he said, looking deeply into her eyes.

"Thank you, Luigi Amedeo," she said. She gathered her belongings and rose.

"Leaving already?" Luigi Amedeo asked.

"Yes. I'd like to arrive early enough to pay a visit to Kevin." She turned and smiled. "See you soon, Malcolm."

"Tanya?" Luigi Amedeo grasped her right hand and held it between both of his. "If you need anything, anything at all, remember that I'm only a phone call away." He kissed her hand. "I would be greatly honored if you would call upon me. Any time. For any reason you may think of." Again, he stared intently into her eyes.

"Thank you." Tanya stepped forward and hugged him as if it were the most natural thing to do. "Thank you, Luigi Amedeo." She left, dragging her hand bag behind her.

"It was nice of you to accept my invitation to lunch," Malcolm said. "Perhaps we could have a drink before we leave. What would you like? My refrigerator is small but well stocked."

"Yes, thank you. Do you have a low-alcohol beer?"

Malcolm laughed. "Yes, of course I have. Before a meeting you don't drink much alcohol, right?" Copyright 2016 - 2024