Malcolm looked out of the window, down into the road leading to the headquarters of the Invicta. The foliage of the tallest maple trees had started to turn orange-a sign that fall was near. "I wonder why Tanya is so late?" he asked himself. "She's generally punctual to the minute. Maybe I should have gone down to Montreal instead of asking her to come down here to see me."

A white Olds Aurora stopped in the parking lot. Tanya stepped out, a leather bag with long, worn straps on her shoulder.

Malcolm met her at the entrance. "A new car, I see." He took her arm and led her inside.

"Yes. That's the reason I'm so late. I went to pick it up this morning. Lots of paper work, since part of the payment came from the insurance on my old Toyota." She entered Malcolm's office. "I wanted a comfortable car, since now I might have to commute between Montreal and Vermeil."

"No permission to move Kevin?"

"No. Not at the moment."

"Make yourself comfortable," Malcolm said, gesturing at a chair. He examined Tanya with a concerned glance. "I was worried when you didn't show up this morning, since I know you haven't been well." He looked at her sunken cheeks, the dark circles under her charcoal eyes. Her eyes looked larger, but duller. "Are you taking care of yourself?"

Tanya waved her hand in the air as if to brush off Malcolm's concerns. "Yes, yes…I try. It isn't easy, but I try. I'm more concerned about Kevin, what can be done for him."

"Perhaps you shouldn't be alone."

"Judith is coming to stay with me for the weekend. I'll pick her up on my way back to Montreal. She told me she has a number of recipes ready, guaranteed to fatten me up like a turkey for Thanksgiving." She paused, a small smile on her face. "Will I see Paul?"

"He should be here any moment. You'll stay in Vermeil tonight, right?"

Tanya nodded. "You asked me for some documents. I need a few hours to gather all of them."

The door to the office opened and a wheelchair appeared in the doorway.

"Paul!" Tanya rushed to greet him, then wheeled his chair into the room, close to the coffee table. She knelt close to him, and kissed his cheek. "Nice to see you again. I didn't expect you to be in a wheelchair. Malcolm, you didn't tell me he was this serious!" Copyright 2016 - 2024