"Joe? Who in the world hired Joe?" Distressed, she stared at Malcolm.

"He's linked to a cosca mafiosa in Italy. They sent the order."

"Where is Joe now?" Tanya asked.

"I received news he was found in the woods, seriously injured. He seems to have pulled the trigger too soon for his own good."

"And Paul? How is Paul?" She didn't wait for an answer. "Look at how many people had to suffer because of me…"

"Paul's conditions aren't serious. He has a concussion, a dislocated shoulder, two broken ankles." Malcolm smiled at Tanya. "He's a strong boy. He'll survive."

* * *

In the French Alps

Ron and Jo Anne Withley sat on lawn chairs just outside their small cottage in Megève. A barrage of sharp words and mutual accusations filled their conversation.

"Look at these bills!" Ron Withley's voice dripped contempt. "A new outfit for every month! And shoes! And purses!" His temper at the breaking point, he threw the bills toward his wife. "You spend a huge amount of money on unnecessary things."

Jo Anne picked up the bills and thumbed through them casually. "You don't provide well enough."

"For fifteen years, I did pretty well, considering the help I got from that idiot-that son of yours who bounces the Lamborghini across the Atlantic as if it were a ping-pong ball." Ron drew a deep breath. "Now I need a bit of luck."

"You claim you have no more money," Jo Anne said, sharp fury behind her words. "Yet the most recent bank statement shows a balance of three thousand dollars."

"There are investigations underway right now. Your ex, Leslie Hadson, is in trouble. Every single withdrawal or transfer we ever made could be traced, maybe not since we started, but for at least five years back. The last transfer from Tanya's parents' funds occurred around that time."

"It would have been better to transfer everything immediately after the death of Tanya's parents." Jo Anne turned her back on Ron in disgust.

"Stop complaining, for once! What has been done is done. We have to cope with the present situation, which isn't bad at all. I'm just waiting to hear if my next move has succeeded." Ron walked around in front of Jo Anne and looked into her eyes. "Meanwhile, we have to keep a low profile. I don't want you to touch any funds-it might sound an alarm instantly." He paused. "So be patient and help me out. Call Greg. I have a job for him."

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